Specifically, in Western culture there is a fairytale myth about love. Singers sing about Prince Charming and a white horse saving the Princess. Poets write sonnets about dreamy romance, mystical heroes and everlasting love. Authors write novels that usually incorporates a happy ending. However, people in the West have a 50% divorce rate and a much higher unhappiness rate, as it correlates to “Forever with Mr. or Mrs. Right.”
The underlying theme that has permeated this culture is the belief in each person, as being a fragmented soul searching for the perfect person who will make them complete. Our culture promotes this type of thinking in movies, tv programs, Internet dating sites, religious ceremonies and reinforced in many family units. How common are phrases such as: My better half, My significant other, You are the wind beneath my wings, The light of my life, You complete me? Those phrases are empty statements of desire, not love.
Because of this campaign-for-love, many couples simply do not have the resources or teachings to come close to “Happily Ever After.” I know people who have been married 25, 38, even 40+ years who are not happy in their marriage but do not feel they have a choice to find fulfillment after so many years with one individual. An oath that no longer fulfills their personal journey has become a chain holding them back. The excuses range from too many entanglements to lack of will.
Regardless, relationship longevity is not based on some fantasy of love. It is based upon respect, responsibility, care and knowledge. Love is the gift you give to another, not the resulting expectation of sharing life with another. You are whole and complete on your own. You do not need anyone else to finish the beautiful creation of life that you are!
If you are not happy in a relationship, figure out why. If the problem can be fixed, Do the Work and fix it. If not, learn your lessons of the past and move on with your life. There is no sin in changing your path. It is your life to live. Forever is closer than you think.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Everlasting love cannot be obtained, until you understand what it really is.” tc
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
On the Edge
I have discovered that there are two extremes of people in this world. One type lives in the box, follows the rules most of the time and accepts life on the standards set by others. The other type of person lives outside the box, pushes the envelope most of the time and acknowledges the rules set by others as a guideline but usually creates their life experience one moment at a time.
Neither way of living is better than the other, right or wrong. It is simply different. For those who follow the rules and live in the box, there is a steady, routine security to life. There are not as many surprises but the exchange is comfort in knowing what is expected. For those people who make their own rules and live outside the box, there is adventure around every turn, constant surprises and a freedom to life that is unparalleled.
If you find yourself being one extreme but living another, it does not work for very long. Sometimes, we all find ourselves living contrary to what is natural to us. Just remember, change is inevitable and you can make changes to balance your life in order to live happier and more fulfilled. It just takes strength.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“When standing on the edge of a precipice, breathe in the panoramic view, instead of immediately looking down.” tc
Neither way of living is better than the other, right or wrong. It is simply different. For those who follow the rules and live in the box, there is a steady, routine security to life. There are not as many surprises but the exchange is comfort in knowing what is expected. For those people who make their own rules and live outside the box, there is adventure around every turn, constant surprises and a freedom to life that is unparalleled.
If you find yourself being one extreme but living another, it does not work for very long. Sometimes, we all find ourselves living contrary to what is natural to us. Just remember, change is inevitable and you can make changes to balance your life in order to live happier and more fulfilled. It just takes strength.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“When standing on the edge of a precipice, breathe in the panoramic view, instead of immediately looking down.” tc
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
When we hurt, our feelings become a raw chasm of dark, empty space. Things that once brought great joy to our life seem less interesting. Places that used to hold special memories somehow become reminders of our personal suffering. We withdraw from people, places and things, preferring to reside within the tender, aching depth of our pain. We garner comfort in the hot, dark crevice of despair.
At some point, we have to face the hurt. We must release ourselves from the lonely darkness. We must let go of the misery and accept the pain as a transitory emotion, one that we control, not one that controls us. We must cry.
Bottled up emotions can create long-term stress and physical ailments. When our tears flow, instead of it being some sign of weakness and shame, it ought to be viewed as a natural cleansing of our spirit. It's ok to cry.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Tears express our pain. Let them flow and the ache inside will dissipate with each one.” tc
At some point, we have to face the hurt. We must release ourselves from the lonely darkness. We must let go of the misery and accept the pain as a transitory emotion, one that we control, not one that controls us. We must cry.
Bottled up emotions can create long-term stress and physical ailments. When our tears flow, instead of it being some sign of weakness and shame, it ought to be viewed as a natural cleansing of our spirit. It's ok to cry.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Tears express our pain. Let them flow and the ache inside will dissipate with each one.” tc
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wheel of Fortune
We gamble with the money we use. We gamble with the car we drive. We gamble with the relationship we enter into. We gamble with the job we take. We gamble with the decision we make.
There was a time, recently, when I made several significant changes to my life. Family and friends may have entertained thoughts of me ‘being crazy’ or ‘irrational.’ I agree that my actions did not fit into a nicely packaged box on how to live. However, regardless of how unconventional my actions may have appeared at the time, they were done under the guidance and counsel of God. How these actions play out, I do not know, yet. But, I do know that as long as I follow the wisdom of the universe, I will be fine. There is no gamble involved.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Treasure each moment of your life and make today your most cherished memory.” tc
There was a time, recently, when I made several significant changes to my life. Family and friends may have entertained thoughts of me ‘being crazy’ or ‘irrational.’ I agree that my actions did not fit into a nicely packaged box on how to live. However, regardless of how unconventional my actions may have appeared at the time, they were done under the guidance and counsel of God. How these actions play out, I do not know, yet. But, I do know that as long as I follow the wisdom of the universe, I will be fine. There is no gamble involved.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Treasure each moment of your life and make today your most cherished memory.” tc
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ownership and Possession
My house, My car, My children, My property, My money, My dog, My job, My dad, My bike, My shovel, My hammer, My camera, My ex-wife, My ex-husband, My chair, My bed, My cup, My book, My backyard, My kitty, My apple, My tomato plant, My remote……
In the Christian Bible, Genesis 1; 26, it says, ”Then God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.”
Verse 27 and 28 continue to say that God made Man and Woman in the Divine image and set them on a path to be fertile and fill the earth, to live and enjoy the fruits of the garden. Unfortunately, the only real concept in this scripture that seems to have stuck with mankind was the phrase ‘Dominion Over.’ If we look at our actions and words today, we are not in any way, living the Word of God. We possess all material items in our life and even objectify those things that are not ours to possess. We have taken dominion over everything and have lessened it, rather than respect that which is around us and protected it. Victims of our possession are nature, animals, family, the planet, all people, religious ideals, places of worship, special scenic locations and the list goes on and on.
The water does not belong to us, the 40 acres of pristine farmland does not belong to us, other people do not belong to us, animals do not belong to us, the minerals of the earth do not belong to us and the space above our planet does not belong to us. I believe, that what this Scripture is saying, is that we are Stewarts of the land and sea and sky. We are here to enjoy the harvest of this great place and at the same time, take care of it. If we only take what we need, there is no waste of any kind. When we act in this way, We Command Everything and Possess Nothing! I believe that this is what God meant. The next time you go to say, “My…,” think about it.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Care for all and all will be cared for.” tc
In the Christian Bible, Genesis 1; 26, it says, ”Then God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.”
Verse 27 and 28 continue to say that God made Man and Woman in the Divine image and set them on a path to be fertile and fill the earth, to live and enjoy the fruits of the garden. Unfortunately, the only real concept in this scripture that seems to have stuck with mankind was the phrase ‘Dominion Over.’ If we look at our actions and words today, we are not in any way, living the Word of God. We possess all material items in our life and even objectify those things that are not ours to possess. We have taken dominion over everything and have lessened it, rather than respect that which is around us and protected it. Victims of our possession are nature, animals, family, the planet, all people, religious ideals, places of worship, special scenic locations and the list goes on and on.
The water does not belong to us, the 40 acres of pristine farmland does not belong to us, other people do not belong to us, animals do not belong to us, the minerals of the earth do not belong to us and the space above our planet does not belong to us. I believe, that what this Scripture is saying, is that we are Stewarts of the land and sea and sky. We are here to enjoy the harvest of this great place and at the same time, take care of it. If we only take what we need, there is no waste of any kind. When we act in this way, We Command Everything and Possess Nothing! I believe that this is what God meant. The next time you go to say, “My…,” think about it.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Care for all and all will be cared for.” tc
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Buzz Around Town
An Action Energy that manifests itself within us is the ability to discern
“the right time and place for everything.” Like the honey bee buzzing around from blossom to blossom, unnecessary fluttering is a waste of energy. There is no need to pollinate the same bud twice. Likewise, constant chatter and gossip is the workings of an unbalanced person. Continual talking is not filling in empty space, it is a contamination of the perfect sound of silence. There is a time and place for talking: a) when communicating or expressing yourself to another, b) when sharing knowledge, c) when teaching others and d) in coming to the aid of someone in need. Other than that, silent wisdom does not open the door to bickering, arguments, fighting, name-calling or any other negative action of talking.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“A soft buzz from time to time is all that is necessary.” tc
“the right time and place for everything.” Like the honey bee buzzing around from blossom to blossom, unnecessary fluttering is a waste of energy. There is no need to pollinate the same bud twice. Likewise, constant chatter and gossip is the workings of an unbalanced person. Continual talking is not filling in empty space, it is a contamination of the perfect sound of silence. There is a time and place for talking: a) when communicating or expressing yourself to another, b) when sharing knowledge, c) when teaching others and d) in coming to the aid of someone in need. Other than that, silent wisdom does not open the door to bickering, arguments, fighting, name-calling or any other negative action of talking.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“A soft buzz from time to time is all that is necessary.” tc
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Cloud Nine
Dreams give us hope where is there is none,
Inspiration when we are lacking it,
Love where it is needed and Answers to our questions.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like the billowing cotton puff drifting across the sky, awaken to something creative and light inside of you. Dream" tc
Inspiration when we are lacking it,
Love where it is needed and Answers to our questions.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like the billowing cotton puff drifting across the sky, awaken to something creative and light inside of you. Dream" tc
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sacred Bath
I believe that there are certain places around the globe that emit a high frequency in the form of positive energy. As easy as it is to walk into a room of people and sense good, light-hearted energy, these places on the planet give off the same type of energy.
Hiking in a State Park outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, I stumbled across such a place. Tucked back in a narrow canyon there is a compacted path marked with human shoe prints and lined with rocks that leads to a small seasonal waterfall. Although this waterfall does not draw the crowds like Niagra or Bridal Veil Falls, it invites the curious and adventurous to come closer. This tiny little waterfall showers those who stand beneath it with an inspiring, cleansing energy for the soul. This special place must have held sacred meaning to the Native Americans who used to live in this area.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Let the rain of abundance pour over you a new beginning." tc
Hiking in a State Park outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, I stumbled across such a place. Tucked back in a narrow canyon there is a compacted path marked with human shoe prints and lined with rocks that leads to a small seasonal waterfall. Although this waterfall does not draw the crowds like Niagra or Bridal Veil Falls, it invites the curious and adventurous to come closer. This tiny little waterfall showers those who stand beneath it with an inspiring, cleansing energy for the soul. This special place must have held sacred meaning to the Native Americans who used to live in this area.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Let the rain of abundance pour over you a new beginning." tc
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fire in the Hole
Have you ever had a feeling that something bad was going to happen? Did it come true? Many people recalled a variety of instances after the 9-11 event, where they felt that something transpired on that day, out of the ordinary, which resulted in keeping them from going to work. Some of the stories on the news reported a man stating that his alarm clock failed to wake him and he overslept. Another story told was by a mother who said her child had come down sick and no one else could help out. Yet, another story detailed a systematic timeline of routing an individual, away from lower Manhattan, when they had never missed a day of work in 8 years. And, some people reported just feeling funny that day and decided to stay home.
People around the globe are talking about feeling "something" that is unsettling now. They cannot correlate it to any specific thing but there seems to be a universal feeling that "something" significant is about to happen. Whether it is a sign in the sky and/or an event on earth, all I know is that putting the drama of Hollywood aside, people are apprehensive about the near future. As a believer in God and destiny, it is time for all people to Be Still. It is time to ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness with an open heart. It is time to drop judgment and stand to be judged. It is time to focus on what is really important and let go of the useless nonsense of politics, religious differences and cultural supremacy. It is time to Seek the Light.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Prepare Yourself!" tc
People around the globe are talking about feeling "something" that is unsettling now. They cannot correlate it to any specific thing but there seems to be a universal feeling that "something" significant is about to happen. Whether it is a sign in the sky and/or an event on earth, all I know is that putting the drama of Hollywood aside, people are apprehensive about the near future. As a believer in God and destiny, it is time for all people to Be Still. It is time to ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness with an open heart. It is time to drop judgment and stand to be judged. It is time to focus on what is really important and let go of the useless nonsense of politics, religious differences and cultural supremacy. It is time to Seek the Light.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Prepare Yourself!" tc
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Step Up
We learn to read after we learn the letters of the alphabet. We learn to run after we learn to walk. We learn to multiply after we learn to add and subtract. As we master each level, we advance in our skills. Life is no different. The progress that we make in our daily life leads us towards the lessons that we acquire year after year. Everything that we do, whether it is as an infant learning to sit up or a protege being taught a new skill, it can only be accomplished one step at a time. Don't fret not knowing how to do something. We all learn at our own pace. Slow down, take your time, learn the steps and master each one before you climb to the next level. Then, you can do anything you set your mind to do!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"You will only get there, one step at a time." tc
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hands of Time
What is time? I have been thinking about this question lately. Maybe I have been thinking about it because I want more of time in some regards and less of time in other areas. Regardless, we measure time with clocks and calendars. We track it over periods of days, months and years. We fill it with all sorts of activities but what is it?
Time is not a linear scale that starts at physical birth and ends somewhere straight ahead of us at physical death. Time is a series of cycles within cycles. Similarly to fades in fashion repeating themselves every 20 years or so, time is a circular cycle of the universe.
Every 24 hour period, the earth rotates one full turn around the sun. That cycle would still happen, even if we didn't track it. However, we measure 24 hours as a day. We fill that day with everything from prayer, sleep, bathing, working and fun activities to rushing around, endless frustration, sadness and worry. This happens day after day after day. Most of us acknowledge time but do not know exactly what to do with it. We try to hold time, curse it, want more of it and fear it. Time is a repeating cycle that we rotate through, until our spirit and consciousness rises high enough to break the cycle and become part of it. Instead of counting the minutes, treasure the memories.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The hands of time mark every age, express each period and symbolize the cycle of life." tc
Time is not a linear scale that starts at physical birth and ends somewhere straight ahead of us at physical death. Time is a series of cycles within cycles. Similarly to fades in fashion repeating themselves every 20 years or so, time is a circular cycle of the universe.
Every 24 hour period, the earth rotates one full turn around the sun. That cycle would still happen, even if we didn't track it. However, we measure 24 hours as a day. We fill that day with everything from prayer, sleep, bathing, working and fun activities to rushing around, endless frustration, sadness and worry. This happens day after day after day. Most of us acknowledge time but do not know exactly what to do with it. We try to hold time, curse it, want more of it and fear it. Time is a repeating cycle that we rotate through, until our spirit and consciousness rises high enough to break the cycle and become part of it. Instead of counting the minutes, treasure the memories.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The hands of time mark every age, express each period and symbolize the cycle of life." tc
Monday, April 19, 2010
Heart of Life
In the southwest region of the U.S., Tent caterpillars are hatched in a web-like cocoon among the branches of an almond bush. When they emerge, it is a phenomonal site to witness. These caterpillars metamorphosis' into brown, fuzzy moths. The moths lay eggs in the spring, the caterpillars hatch in 7 weeks, the caterpillars seek shelter under rocks or ground material, transform in less than 2 weeks into a moth and the entire adult lifespan is less than a week, wherein they procreate, again. Interesting.
I saw this and thought it looked like a heart.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Nuzzle up closer and feel the pulsating life of a beautiful heart." tc
I saw this and thought it looked like a heart.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Nuzzle up closer and feel the pulsating life of a beautiful heart." tc
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What Really Matters
It is not the guy who cut you off in traffic or the near-miss accident. It is the fact that you made it to and from safely.
It is not the ocassional poor grade. It is the education.
It is not who has more or who has less. It is that we are sharing.
It is not the petty differences. It is the similarities.
It is not who is right and who is wrong. It is that we are talking.
It is not where you have been. It is what you have learned along the way.
It is not how difficult the journey may be. It is the hope in your heart that inspires you to keep moving.
It is not where you are going. It is how you plan to get there.
It is not what faith you practice. It is that you practice your faith.
It is not that you are eating steak, lobster and fresh vegetables. It is that you have food to eat.
It is not what you believe. It is that you Believe.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"It is not who you Love. It is that you Love all." tc
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Are you Listening?
A songwriter hears the words in his head and writes down the lyrics.
A musician hears the melody from within and composes the notes into music.
A teacher hears the need for special instruction and stays late to help a child.
A doctor hears about a medical emergency and acts to save a life.
Two people meet and hear the song of love between them and decide to share their lives together.
A writer hears the story in her heart and organizes it into chapters for a book.
A preacher hears the gospel from God and reiterates it to the congregation.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"What beautiful message have you heard lately and shared with another?" tc
A musician hears the melody from within and composes the notes into music.
A teacher hears the need for special instruction and stays late to help a child.
A doctor hears about a medical emergency and acts to save a life.
Two people meet and hear the song of love between them and decide to share their lives together.
A writer hears the story in her heart and organizes it into chapters for a book.
A preacher hears the gospel from God and reiterates it to the congregation.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"What beautiful message have you heard lately and shared with another?" tc
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sleeping Indian Maiden
I was traveling through the north-western Arizona desert last week and stopped at a roadside cafe for a bite to eat. A gentleman, named Alan asked me if I had seen the Indian Maiden? I had not seen the maiden so he pointed her out to me in the mountain ridge. The story goes that the beautiful Indian Maiden is waiting for her Brave to come for her. Until that appointed time, she sleeps.
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you will see her profile in the mountain. following the ridge to the left, you will see her arms folded across her chest. I enjoyed the story and wanted to share it with all of you.
Which brings me to the theme of today's blog. Sleeping. All of us are living a life of conditioned behavior. We are in essence, asleep. We go through the routine of daily living, planning and existing but rarely do we delight in the pure pleasure of life. The news tells us what to think about or concern ourselves with, our jobs dictate the timeframe in which we have to savor the important aspects of life and our cultural conditioning defines the boundaries of our acceptance and refusal. Until we move beyond or Overcome our conditioning, we are asleep just like the maiden. One day, she will awaken to the Truth of her life and rise from the horizon of slumber which has entombed her for so long. One day, we all will awaken to the Truth of our life and rise from the tomb of our existance to finally LIVE.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Freedom is a state-of-mind that you enjoy after you have cast off the conditioning of your life." tc
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you will see her profile in the mountain. following the ridge to the left, you will see her arms folded across her chest. I enjoyed the story and wanted to share it with all of you.
Which brings me to the theme of today's blog. Sleeping. All of us are living a life of conditioned behavior. We are in essence, asleep. We go through the routine of daily living, planning and existing but rarely do we delight in the pure pleasure of life. The news tells us what to think about or concern ourselves with, our jobs dictate the timeframe in which we have to savor the important aspects of life and our cultural conditioning defines the boundaries of our acceptance and refusal. Until we move beyond or Overcome our conditioning, we are asleep just like the maiden. One day, she will awaken to the Truth of her life and rise from the horizon of slumber which has entombed her for so long. One day, we all will awaken to the Truth of our life and rise from the tomb of our existance to finally LIVE.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Freedom is a state-of-mind that you enjoy after you have cast off the conditioning of your life." tc
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Does God Know?
About 10 years ago, I was talking to a new friend. After the usual job, family and friend questions, we entered into a deeper topic, faith. I asked him if, he had a relationship with God? He said, "Yeah, of course. I have a very personal relationship with God." I paused and with his full attention, I asked, "Does God know about it?" My newfound friend was stopped dead in his tracks.
Oftentimes, we think that by being a good person and not asking for too much that that is enough. That if we save our asking for help, until we really need it, God will always answer YES. That if we are really helpful to others, we will earn brownie-points towards the appointed time when we crossover. That by following all the rules, without question, even at the expense of personal fulfillment, we are a good follower of our faith. That by contributing money to the organization of our belief, we will buy good-will in God's eyes.
That is not what God is interested in. God is interested in a deep, spiritual communication with us. When we do 'The Work' of balancing our earthly and divine sides, we open, heart and soul, to the voice of the universe and truly walk in the Path of Light. When we do 'The Work,' we become untouchable, immortal beings, the manifested spirit of our creator.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"So stunning, you can't deny it, even when you close your eyes!" tc
Oftentimes, we think that by being a good person and not asking for too much that that is enough. That if we save our asking for help, until we really need it, God will always answer YES. That if we are really helpful to others, we will earn brownie-points towards the appointed time when we crossover. That by following all the rules, without question, even at the expense of personal fulfillment, we are a good follower of our faith. That by contributing money to the organization of our belief, we will buy good-will in God's eyes.
That is not what God is interested in. God is interested in a deep, spiritual communication with us. When we do 'The Work' of balancing our earthly and divine sides, we open, heart and soul, to the voice of the universe and truly walk in the Path of Light. When we do 'The Work,' we become untouchable, immortal beings, the manifested spirit of our creator.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"So stunning, you can't deny it, even when you close your eyes!" tc
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Silent Wisdom
I was extremely fortunate to have had both sets of grandparents in my life as a child. Each one offered a very different experience but I learned a great deal from both of them. I was exposed to nature, animals and running free with one set of elders, while the other set of grandparents provided music, playfulness and educational knowledge.
It saddens me to see how the elderly of our time are treated. Many are left unattended in their homes lonely and afraid. Some are drugged to the point of incoherency. Others are abused or neglected in nursing homes and oftentimes, most are disrespected by their own family members. The standards that we have set for the care of our elders will shortly be the standard at which YOU are cared for. Take a moment and consider the wisdom that you hold and the length of opportunity in which you may be able to share it. Tomorrow is closer than you think.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The elders of our time are often treated like rubbish on the curb; full of information, devoid of any hope to share it and imprisoned by the materialistic ideals of our culture." tc
It saddens me to see how the elderly of our time are treated. Many are left unattended in their homes lonely and afraid. Some are drugged to the point of incoherency. Others are abused or neglected in nursing homes and oftentimes, most are disrespected by their own family members. The standards that we have set for the care of our elders will shortly be the standard at which YOU are cared for. Take a moment and consider the wisdom that you hold and the length of opportunity in which you may be able to share it. Tomorrow is closer than you think.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The elders of our time are often treated like rubbish on the curb; full of information, devoid of any hope to share it and imprisoned by the materialistic ideals of our culture." tc
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
As a child, I was surrounded by water. My parents owned a large campground and built 5 lakes in the area, which hosted a variety of water activities. Winter was filled with ice skating and being pulled behind an old jeep across the ice on our sleds. Summer was consumed with swimming, fishing, paddle boats and the annual fireworks display illuminating off the water. Needless to say, the love of all bodies of water has never left me.
I have spent time on both oceans, many different seas, little fishing holes that lie off the beaten path and on the shores of hundreds of rivers and streams. Regardless of how small or how vast the the water before me may be, it always takes my breath away!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Breathless, behold such wonder all around you." tc
I have spent time on both oceans, many different seas, little fishing holes that lie off the beaten path and on the shores of hundreds of rivers and streams. Regardless of how small or how vast the the water before me may be, it always takes my breath away!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Breathless, behold such wonder all around you." tc
Monday, April 12, 2010
Altar of Sacrifice
What have you sacrificed?
Is it time spent away from your family and filled in at the office? Is it compromising your integrity for a financial bonus? Is it lowering your self-respect in the face of adversity? Is it offering less to someone in need when you have enough? Is it your standards of moral behavior when the people in the room change? Is it your future for a bottle of whiskey? Is it your child's future for a line of cocaine? Is it your faith out of fear of death?
Sometimes, we think we are making sacrifices for all the right reasons, only to discover later, how wrong we were.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The only sacrifice suitable for the altar of God is your wicked ways." tc
Is it time spent away from your family and filled in at the office? Is it compromising your integrity for a financial bonus? Is it lowering your self-respect in the face of adversity? Is it offering less to someone in need when you have enough? Is it your standards of moral behavior when the people in the room change? Is it your future for a bottle of whiskey? Is it your child's future for a line of cocaine? Is it your faith out of fear of death?
Sometimes, we think we are making sacrifices for all the right reasons, only to discover later, how wrong we were.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The only sacrifice suitable for the altar of God is your wicked ways." tc
Sunday, April 11, 2010
If I am honest with myself, I can see areas of my life where I have become complacent. It is not that I shouldn't find contentment in my life but too often, contentment leads to laziness or taking someone or something for granted.
Sooner or later, we come to understand that without doing "The Work," whether in a personal relationship, a job, spiritual enlightenment or daily activities, we have failed ourselves in growing into the dynamic person that we have the potential to become. When we wake up to the depth of our complacency, it is usually when someone or something has passed us by. Life happens now. So, embrace this moment of your life and leave "forever" for God to control.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The vast mesa ahead presents an unknown and alluring invitation into endless possibilities, if you are brave enough to venture beyond your complacent state of being." tc
Sooner or later, we come to understand that without doing "The Work," whether in a personal relationship, a job, spiritual enlightenment or daily activities, we have failed ourselves in growing into the dynamic person that we have the potential to become. When we wake up to the depth of our complacency, it is usually when someone or something has passed us by. Life happens now. So, embrace this moment of your life and leave "forever" for God to control.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The vast mesa ahead presents an unknown and alluring invitation into endless possibilities, if you are brave enough to venture beyond your complacent state of being." tc
Saturday, April 10, 2010
History Lesson
In high school, history was boring. I didn't care about names, events and dates from so long ago. What could that possibly have to do with me now? Well, as I matured, I've learned just how important knowing the events of the past are to my current life experience.
Knowing the past, allows me to be informed of methods that worked, failed or at the very least, were attempted. Since time and people move in cycles, it seems that we are destined to repeat similar scenarios, until we figure out the healthy way of handling them, ie. conflicts, wars, treatment of others and religious/spiritual truths. The past can tell a lot about where we have been and where we are headed.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"You can only be prepared for the future by reviewing the experiences of the past." tc
Knowing the past, allows me to be informed of methods that worked, failed or at the very least, were attempted. Since time and people move in cycles, it seems that we are destined to repeat similar scenarios, until we figure out the healthy way of handling them, ie. conflicts, wars, treatment of others and religious/spiritual truths. The past can tell a lot about where we have been and where we are headed.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"You can only be prepared for the future by reviewing the experiences of the past." tc
Friday, April 9, 2010
An Angel's Hand
A while ago, I entered a darkened phase of my life, where I seemed to have trouble on all sides. No matter what I did, it seemed as though dogs were trying to bite me at every turn. I spent a lot of time on my knees praying for help but not wanting to look around, fearful of what else would befall me.
When I gained enough courage to lift up my eyes and look around, instead of dogs surrounding me and biting at my heels, I found hands outstretched and willing to help. What I learned was that when I put fear behind me, the dogs disappeared too.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like the brilliant red of an Indian Paint Brush in the desert landscape, when you raise your eyes and glance around, you will see angel's hands already reaching out to you in reception." tc
When I gained enough courage to lift up my eyes and look around, instead of dogs surrounding me and biting at my heels, I found hands outstretched and willing to help. What I learned was that when I put fear behind me, the dogs disappeared too.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like the brilliant red of an Indian Paint Brush in the desert landscape, when you raise your eyes and glance around, you will see angel's hands already reaching out to you in reception." tc
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tunnel Vision
What do you see?
1. A narrow opportunity for change or the demanding work involved to change?
2. A drunk wasting governement help on alcohol or a person in pain needing a helping hand?
3. A person lighting a candle in spiritual hope or an individual who is delusional about an unproven faith?
4. Two people committing to love and a shared life or another 50/50 statistic of failure?
5. An elder who struggles to care for themselves or a forgetful, nuisance that interfers in your life?
Our perceptions are influenced by our parents, culture, religious beliefs, past lives, friends and shaped by our daily interactactions.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Our initial perception is only a small sample of the totality of life. We can expand it to limitless bounds or keep it as narrow as the confines of a tunnel." tc
1. A narrow opportunity for change or the demanding work involved to change?
2. A drunk wasting governement help on alcohol or a person in pain needing a helping hand?
3. A person lighting a candle in spiritual hope or an individual who is delusional about an unproven faith?
4. Two people committing to love and a shared life or another 50/50 statistic of failure?
5. An elder who struggles to care for themselves or a forgetful, nuisance that interfers in your life?
Our perceptions are influenced by our parents, culture, religious beliefs, past lives, friends and shaped by our daily interactactions.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Our initial perception is only a small sample of the totality of life. We can expand it to limitless bounds or keep it as narrow as the confines of a tunnel." tc
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What are you sorry about?
We throw around so many statements today that have little to no meaning. 'I'm sorry' is one of those statements. "I'm sorry but I had to..." or "I'm sorry but it was for your....." I have heard so many people wildly express their apologies with absolutely no meaningful value whatsoever, that I wonder why they even bother to say it at all. In fact, by using the the word 'but' within the apology, one is actually cancelling out the apology, itself!
Think about how many times people in power say, 'I'm sorry.' Politicians apologize to the public to save careers. Wives apologize to their husbands to save marriages. Kids apologize to teachers to stay out of trouble. How many people say 'I'm Sorry" and really mean it? At one time, 'I'm sorry' was supposed to mean that one was sorry for what they said or did and wouldn't do or say it again. The sincerity of "I'm Sorry" has become so common-place in current American language that it seems to be said more to appease rather than absolve.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
" 'I'm sorry' has become a common phrase, over used, empty and without real meaning." tc
Think about how many times people in power say, 'I'm sorry.' Politicians apologize to the public to save careers. Wives apologize to their husbands to save marriages. Kids apologize to teachers to stay out of trouble. How many people say 'I'm Sorry" and really mean it? At one time, 'I'm sorry' was supposed to mean that one was sorry for what they said or did and wouldn't do or say it again. The sincerity of "I'm Sorry" has become so common-place in current American language that it seems to be said more to appease rather than absolve.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
" 'I'm sorry' has become a common phrase, over used, empty and without real meaning." tc
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Real friends are:
There when you need them, not simply when it is convenient.
Concerned about you over their personal gains.
Able to make you laugh when you feel like crying.
Supportive of your interests even when it is different from theirs.
There to share new ideas without judgement.
Willing to risk telling you the truth, even if it offends you.
Glad to derive joy in your accomplishments.
Fountains of wisdom, when you have no ideas.
Gifts of God to share in your life experience.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Friends may come from different cultures and practice a variety of beliefs but are solid to the core." tc
Monday, April 5, 2010
Where is Your Home?
Home ownership has been created as one of The American Dreams. People work long hours, hard jobs and strain themselves, at the expense of their health, for home ownership. Why? While embracing the other 'American Dream,' pride, we have come to believe the psychopomp of the value of home ownership.
Thinking about home ownership from the viewpoint of factual information, I see a home as a private dwelling place that takes a lot of money and time to maintain. Chores such as mowing, mending and updating consume the seasonal weekends of millions. The cost in insurance, mortgage, utilities and repairs utilizes thousands of earned dollars, not to mention the benefit that the government derives from your home ownership. Does the fluctuating rise and fall of the real estate market, merit the worry you invest in chasing after This American Dream?
There are people living in tents, on a park bench, in their children's houses, renting a room, living in small cabins, traveling in RV's, young adults unable to move out and renting apartments. Is their life or value less because they do not own their own home? No, their life is just as valuable and oftentimes, less stressful because of the freedom to live life to the fullest without the constant responsibilities of static existence. There is no shame associated with where you live. The only thing You should be concerned with is How you live.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Home is where You make it." tc
Thinking about home ownership from the viewpoint of factual information, I see a home as a private dwelling place that takes a lot of money and time to maintain. Chores such as mowing, mending and updating consume the seasonal weekends of millions. The cost in insurance, mortgage, utilities and repairs utilizes thousands of earned dollars, not to mention the benefit that the government derives from your home ownership. Does the fluctuating rise and fall of the real estate market, merit the worry you invest in chasing after This American Dream?
There are people living in tents, on a park bench, in their children's houses, renting a room, living in small cabins, traveling in RV's, young adults unable to move out and renting apartments. Is their life or value less because they do not own their own home? No, their life is just as valuable and oftentimes, less stressful because of the freedom to live life to the fullest without the constant responsibilities of static existence. There is no shame associated with where you live. The only thing You should be concerned with is How you live.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Home is where You make it." tc
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Prideful Reflections
Is being prideful good or bad, healthy or unhealthy? I have wondered this over and over in my life. I have come to the conclusion that pride is healthy when expressed for others and unhealthy when expressed about self in an arrogant manner.
It is cool to see people express pride for their child's academic accomplishment, an athlete's prize, a religious milestone, a couple's pregnancy announcement, personal achievement or anything that reflects positive pride of earning.
However, it is not fun to listen to people boast of job promotions, expensive material possessions, etc. from an arrogant stance.
When you look in the mirror, do you see prideful arrogance or prideful joy?
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Sometimes, you need to look in the mirror to see who is actually being reflected back." tc
It is cool to see people express pride for their child's academic accomplishment, an athlete's prize, a religious milestone, a couple's pregnancy announcement, personal achievement or anything that reflects positive pride of earning.
However, it is not fun to listen to people boast of job promotions, expensive material possessions, etc. from an arrogant stance.
When you look in the mirror, do you see prideful arrogance or prideful joy?
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Sometimes, you need to look in the mirror to see who is actually being reflected back." tc
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Tough Skin
I met this fearless little lizard outside my door the other day. She was sun-bathing on a rock in the radiating afternoon heat. As I approached her, she moved off the rock but stayed close by. She was brave yet, cautious. I snapped a few photos and then left her to her warm rock.
I began thinking about the poses that people strike when in defense. The common position that most people take in areas of uncertainty is that they postulate many different scenarios about the future. Oftentimes, people dramatize the situations into absolutely unrealistic possibilities. If we learn to stay more level-headed and think before reacting, we may find that using caution in the place of fear, allows for our tough exterior to take the brunt of the blow and not harm our insides.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Smile. It is never as rough as you think it will be." tc
I began thinking about the poses that people strike when in defense. The common position that most people take in areas of uncertainty is that they postulate many different scenarios about the future. Oftentimes, people dramatize the situations into absolutely unrealistic possibilities. If we learn to stay more level-headed and think before reacting, we may find that using caution in the place of fear, allows for our tough exterior to take the brunt of the blow and not harm our insides.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Smile. It is never as rough as you think it will be." tc
Friday, April 2, 2010
Wishing Well
Have you ever noticed that when you are angry or feeling down that you tend to gravitate towards other people who associate with those same negative aspects? You know, the ones who will let you complain and cry on their shoulders, while they share their same misery with you?
Additionally, when you are happy, you tend to be attracted to people who reflect that similar type of joy? We all have friends that we turn to for a 'pick me up' moment, right?
Well, what we focus upon, we tend to find in our lives. If we look to reinforce our negative characteristics, we will find all sorts of Internet information, friends and even television shows that support that. If we look for positive, inspiring, educational and loving things......we will see them in everything, even in the most unusual places.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"That which you seek, you will be sure to find." tc
Additionally, when you are happy, you tend to be attracted to people who reflect that similar type of joy? We all have friends that we turn to for a 'pick me up' moment, right?
Well, what we focus upon, we tend to find in our lives. If we look to reinforce our negative characteristics, we will find all sorts of Internet information, friends and even television shows that support that. If we look for positive, inspiring, educational and loving things......we will see them in everything, even in the most unusual places.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"That which you seek, you will be sure to find." tc
Thursday, April 1, 2010
In 1969, a study was conducted by Paul Newton at the University of Kansas and published in Science Digest, that tested the effect of sound on plants. A book called, The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird was published in 1989, that addressed the effect of sound on plants. Both, found that plants exposed to soothing melodies grew larger, faster and healthier. Those plants that heard harsh, sharp sounds became sick and some even died.
People are organic beings similar to plants. People emit and receive a variety of sound frequencies. When we have not forgiven ourselves and others for all the trangressions of the past, we resonate a low, harsh frequency. This holds us back from growing and advancing in our lives (ie. the person still talking about some wrong-doing from years ago, like it was yesterday). Do you want to be around an angry complaining person all the time? No.
However, when we understand and accept that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge that they have at this time, then, we are free to forgive them. This applies to our personal lives, as well. When we excercise forgiveness in all its forms, we emit a soothing loving frequency, which allows love to flourish and we grow. Isn't it wonderful to be around happy, content people? Yes.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Anger, holding grudges and poor feelings for another will only weaken your ability to live a fulfiing life." tc
People are organic beings similar to plants. People emit and receive a variety of sound frequencies. When we have not forgiven ourselves and others for all the trangressions of the past, we resonate a low, harsh frequency. This holds us back from growing and advancing in our lives (ie. the person still talking about some wrong-doing from years ago, like it was yesterday). Do you want to be around an angry complaining person all the time? No.
However, when we understand and accept that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge that they have at this time, then, we are free to forgive them. This applies to our personal lives, as well. When we excercise forgiveness in all its forms, we emit a soothing loving frequency, which allows love to flourish and we grow. Isn't it wonderful to be around happy, content people? Yes.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Anger, holding grudges and poor feelings for another will only weaken your ability to live a fulfiing life." tc
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