Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beauty with a Purpose

I was watching several butterflies today and suddenly, I thought, “What is the purpose of a butterfly?” Do you know? I didn’t, so I did a little research.

Besides being beautiful, a butterfly has an important part to play in the ecology of many life systems. Butterflies pollinate plants, which help fruits, vegetables and flowers to produce new seeds. This is a similar action that bees carry out. Butterflies are also food for birds, mammals and other insects.

Did you know that no two butterflies are exactly the same? Also, butterflies display every color of the rainbow! Here is one more bit of fact for you, butterflies have lived on earth for at least 150 million years and are found everywhere but Antarctica. Not only are they beautiful insects…..they also have an important part in balancing nature.

Everything that the Divine created has a purpose. Four-legged animals, insects, birds, fish and even the trees and vegetation live by instinct or cellular/chemical direction.

Humans are provided instinct and cellular/chemical direction to guide their lives. However, they are also given a complex and powerful tool called a brain. Our brain is the mechanism for our development and growth. This IS the instrument of our co-creation with God.

Through the balancing of our mental (chemical), emotional (instinctual), physical and spiritual aspects, we can possess the Light of God and co-create beautiful things around us. This is the purpose of your life.

So, on that note the quote of the day is:

“Live out your purpose by spreading the Loving Light of God.” tc

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take That....

Karma. Ancient cultures from China to India and south to Peru and African tribes believe in Karma. What is Karma? The belief that every thought, word and deed that you have and /or exhibit comes back to you either in this life or in a future life.

So, what qualifies.: Making fun of people…yes. Hoping for something bad to happen to another…yes (even wishing their Karma on them). Harboring ill will against someone…yes. Not saying I’m sorry….yes. One ups-man-ship…yes. Lying, stealing coveting ….yes. Cheating on an exam…yes. Damaging others’ property…yes. Taking more than giving….yes. Whispering about others…yes. Crude, sarcasm….yes.

The ancient cultures of the past have tried to spread the most important message for all humanity to connect with. Whether it came through a spiritual faith, a cultural practice or passed through history in the form of stories, the most important message of life is to LOVE. Sending love to every living being and giving love is the only way….here and now, for you to live. Swallow the sarcasm, Change your thoughts, Release your pain and Stop your negative actions. When you do, life will happen for you.

“When you share enough love, you become the Light.” tc

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shadows and Light

Carl Jung, a German psychiatrist developed the “Shadow Theory.” The theory states that those things that we cannot deal with or do not recognize within ourselves are hidden in our subconsciousness. They take the form of our shadow.

We see our shadow in others but do not recognize it in ourselves. For example, I was in a classroom setting and the teacher read a series of 40 words to the class. We were instructed to write down the words that had an impact on us, either positive or negative. I wrote down a few words. When asked to reveal one, I selected wild and fat (lazy). These words hit a chord with me. Further explanation by the teacher helped me see that I was harboring a negative vibe against people who I perceived as lazy because I had been working very hard writing a book. I was in need of some ‘wild’ time; some fun because I had been working very hard without a break. My subconscious shadow of ‘laziness and wild’ disappeared when I recognized how I was feeling and how I was projecting those shadows onto others. Amazing.

We all do this in some format. It is not that we are bad or that the shadow is bad. The shadow is there to teach us where we need to learn and grow in our lives. It is important to know that simply by being aware and acknowledging the shadow, we bring it to Light and it begins to go away.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Purity contrasts sharply from evilness. However, neither one can be covered up or disguised.” tc

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fire in the Hole

Have you ever had a feeling that something bad was going to happen? Did it come true? Many people recalled a variety of instances after the 9-11 event, where they felt that something transpired on that day, out of the ordinary, which resulted in keeping them from going to work. Some of the stories on the news reported a man stating that his alarm clock failed to wake him and he overslept. Another story told was by a mother who said her child had come down sick and no one else could help out. Yet, another story detailed a systematic timeline of routing an individual, away from lower Manhattan, when they had never missed a day of work in 8 years. And, some people reported just feeling funny that day and decided to stay home.

People around the globe are talking about feeling "something" that is unsettling now.  They cannot correlate it to any specific thing but there seems to be a universal feeling that "something" significant is about to happen. Whether it is a sign in the sky and/or an event on earth, all I know is that putting the drama of Hollywood aside, people are apprehensive about the near future. As a believer in God and destiny, it is time for all people to Be Still.  It is time to ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness with an open heart. It is time to drop judgment and stand to be judged.  It is time to focus on what is really important and let go of the useless nonsense of politics, religious differences and cultural supremacy.  It is time to Seek the Light.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Prepare Yourself!" tc

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does God Know?

About 10 years ago, I was talking to a new friend.  After the usual job, family and friend questions, we entered into a deeper topic, faith.  I asked him if, he had a relationship with God?  He said, "Yeah, of course. I have a very personal relationship with God." I paused and with his full attention, I asked, "Does God know about it?" My newfound friend was stopped dead in his tracks.
Oftentimes, we think that by being a good person and not asking for too much that that is enough. That if we save our asking for help, until we really need it, God will always answer YES. That if we are really helpful to others, we will earn brownie-points towards the appointed time when we crossover. That by following all the rules, without question, even at the expense of personal fulfillment, we are a good follower of our faith. That by contributing money to the organization of our belief, we will buy good-will in God's eyes.
That is not what God is interested in. God is interested in a deep, spiritual communication with us.  When we do 'The Work' of balancing our earthly and divine sides, we open, heart and soul, to the voice of the universe and truly walk in the Path of Light. When we do 'The Work,' we become untouchable, immortal beings, the manifested spirit of our creator.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"So stunning, you can't deny it, even when you close your eyes!" tc

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Landscapes of Life

Our lives are made up of a variety of landscapes.  There are mountains to challenge us, rivers to keep us moving, deserts to provide quiet, reflective moments and lush meadows to relax in and enjoy the fruits of our experiences.
Too frequently, I watch people so busy plowing the fields of their pasture, that when the mountain pops up to slow them down, they simply bulldoze through it, instead of understanding the purpose of the challenge and climbing to the top.
If we don't slow down and learn from the environment around us, we may be too busy to see the approaching edge.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Don't forsake the Light for a canyon of Darkness."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Uncanny ability

Admittedly, I have an uncanny ability :) that allows me to see all the good and bad aspects of people around me.  It is such a rare gift that for a time, I thought it was important to use this gift and point out the flaws of others!
Then, in my alienated state of being, I started looking for the similarities that I share with each person I encounter, rather than the differences.  How fascinating to learn that deep down, we are all basically the same.  We all want to feel love, laugh with others and have a meaningful life experience.  This newfound gift of acceptance has brought me closer to people, animals and God.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"The only difference between an arctic blast and the breath of heaven is the amount of Light shining around you."