Showing posts with label mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mountain. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grounding Required

Recently, I took an important exam. The results of this test held some significance due to the fact that passing the exam could highly influence my career. I was quite confident going into the testing area.  I completed the exam within the designated timeframe.

Upon finishing the test, I was quite certain that I had done well. With a little extra spring-in-my-step, I drove to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to share the good news. With both in attendance, listening to my recap of the examination, my Aunt sensed my confidence and asked if I had Aced the exam? Still feeling a bit puffed up by my belief in doing well on the test, I proudly said, “Why, yes, I believe I did.” Without missing a beat, my Aunt responded,” Oh, simple was it?”

After picking my jaw up off the floor and standing there totally dumbfounded, we all broke into belly-jiggling laughter! My Aunt gave me a big hug and attempted a weak apology through the stuttering and stammering of her explanation of what she had really meant.  This just made all of us laugh even more. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you begin to get a little too full of yourself, I hope you have someone who joyful brings you back down to earth.” tc

Thursday, April 29, 2010

On the Edge

I have discovered that there are two extremes of people in this world. One type lives in the box, follows the rules most of the time and accepts life on the standards set by others. The other type of person lives outside the box, pushes the envelope most of the time and acknowledges the rules set by others as a guideline but usually creates their life experience one moment at a time.

Neither way of living is better than the other, right or wrong. It is simply different. For those who follow the rules and live in the box, there is a steady, routine security to life. There are not as many surprises but the exchange is comfort in knowing what is expected. For those people who make their own rules and live outside the box, there is adventure around every turn, constant surprises and a freedom to life that is unparalleled.

If you find yourself being one extreme but living another, it does not work for very long. Sometimes, we all find ourselves living contrary to what is natural to us. Just remember, change is inevitable and you can make changes to balance your life in order to live happier and more fulfilled. It just takes strength.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When standing on the edge of a precipice, breathe in the panoramic view, instead of immediately looking down.” tc

Monday, March 22, 2010


There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language.  Some of those words readily translate into other languages and some do not. Cultural influence and personal preference instill word meaning. What type of words do you place a value upon? Are you drawing a blank?  For example, I can say things like: love, bitch, hate, children, gay, faith, nature, gringo, hitchhiker, or Vietnam Veteran. None of these words are bad! However, it is the meaning that we have attached to the words that creates a stigma of acceptance or derogatory connotation.
Most people think of the word love with a sense of reverence. However, for someone who does not feel love in their life, that word is less than evocative. At one time in history, the word gay instilled thoughts of fun and loads of joy.  Today, it has been given an offensive context as a slang word towards same-sex attraction. There was a dark point in recent American history, wherein the phrase Vietnam Veteran ignited riots and acts of aggression towards others. At present, memorials, monuments and holidays are designated to those individuals who were asked to sacrifice for the interest of our country.
Spoken expression is one of the most misunderstood and inflammatory means of communication. It can invoke feelings of kindness and respect or create a mountain of frozen ideas that may take months or years to defrost.  As you move through each day, it might be a good idea to become more cognoscente of words that you use that may be easily misconstrued or clearly comprehended.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Words are only concepts, until felt and given meaning." tc

Friday, February 26, 2010

Over exposed?

The natural elements of our planet carved deep ruts, narrow canyons and jagged peaks up and down the mountainous regions of the earth. Ice, wind, rocks, water and debris flowed through this draw to expose the raw beauty that you see today. By cutting away the topsoil and sculpturing the land, Mother Nature has produced an awe-inspiring panorama of beauty for all to enjoy.
When we do the Work that it takes to forgive ourselves and others, when we heal from the damage caused by open wounds and when we open to the beauty of who we really are, the light emitting from within us is God's masterpiece sculptured from the rough-draft of creation.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The information that yields the most important Truths, cuts the deepest." tc

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Aim High

My father always told me to set goals.  He suggested writing down short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.  He explained to me that the goals that I set had to be obtainable in the given time-frame.  Example: I couldn't set a goal to finish college in 2 years, if it was a 4 year program.  
The object of this excercise was not to pre-plan my every move for the future but to guide my thoughts and actions into an organized focus of accomplishment, to strive towards finishing something and celebrate the reward of that achievement. My goals were not just work oriented. I included such things as: help my children grow, take a vacation and be in a healthy relationship.
There were times when I finished a goal early. I also changed some of my goals along the way as my life changed.  However, to this day, I still set goals for myself in 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, 3 year and 10 year intervals. It is also a refreshing experience that helps to keep me grounded in times of turmoil.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Aim for the summit of your life, instead of sitting at the bottom of the mountain afraid.  Look up for guidance as you climb."  tc 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where to focus my energy?

With my 2nd degree complete and many 'irons in the fire' (ie. books, business, goals and family), I find myself being indecisive about where to focus my extra time and energy.

Interesting enough, I realized that I do not need to choose just one avenue of focus.  If it is within me to create so many diverse situations then, I will divide up my energy to accommodate each one!

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Sometimes, all you need is the right frame of mind in order to see the infinite opportunities before you."