Showing posts with label ownership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ownership. Show all posts

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ownership and Possession

My house, My car, My children, My property, My money, My dog, My job, My dad, My bike, My shovel, My hammer, My camera, My ex-wife, My ex-husband, My chair, My bed, My cup, My book, My backyard, My kitty, My apple, My tomato plant, My remote……

In the Christian Bible, Genesis 1; 26, it says, ”Then God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.”

Verse 27 and 28 continue to say that God made Man and Woman in the Divine image and set them on a path to be fertile and fill the earth, to live and enjoy the fruits of the garden. Unfortunately, the only real concept in this scripture that seems to have stuck with mankind was the phrase ‘Dominion Over.’ If we look at our actions and words today, we are not in any way, living the Word of God. We possess all material items in our life and even objectify those things that are not ours to possess. We have taken dominion over everything and have lessened it, rather than respect that which is around us and protected it. Victims of our possession are nature, animals, family, the planet, all people, religious ideals, places of worship, special scenic locations and the list goes on and on.

The water does not belong to us, the 40 acres of pristine farmland does not belong to us, other people do not belong to us, animals do not belong to us, the minerals of the earth do not belong to us and the space above our planet does not belong to us. I believe, that what this Scripture is saying, is that we are Stewarts of the land and sea and sky. We are here to enjoy the harvest of this great place and at the same time, take care of it. If we only take what we need, there is no waste of any kind. When we act in this way, We Command Everything and Possess Nothing! I believe that this is what God meant. The next time you go to say, “My…,” think about it.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Care for all and all will be cared for.” tc

Monday, April 5, 2010

Where is Your Home?

Home ownership has been created as one of The American Dreams. People work long hours, hard jobs and strain themselves, at the expense of their health, for home ownership. Why? While embracing the other 'American Dream,' pride, we have come to believe the psychopomp of the value of home ownership.
Thinking about home ownership from the viewpoint of factual information, I see a home as a private dwelling place that takes a lot of money and time to maintain. Chores such as mowing, mending and updating consume the seasonal weekends of millions. The cost in insurance, mortgage, utilities and repairs utilizes thousands of earned dollars, not to mention the benefit that the government derives from your home ownership. Does the fluctuating rise and fall of the real estate market, merit the worry you invest  in chasing after This American Dream?
There are people living in tents, on a park bench, in their children's houses, renting a room, living in small cabins, traveling in RV's, young adults unable to move out and renting apartments.  Is their life or value less because they do not own their own home?  No, their life is just as valuable and oftentimes, less stressful because of the freedom to live life to the fullest without the constant responsibilities of static existence. There is no shame associated with where you live. The only thing You should be concerned with is How you live.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Home is where You make it." tc