Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Really Matters

It is not the guy who cut you off in traffic or the near-miss accident. It is the fact that you made it to and from safely.
It is not the ocassional poor grade.  It is the education.
It is not who has more or who has less. It is that we are sharing.
It is not the petty differences.  It is the similarities.
It is not who is right and who is wrong. It is that we are talking.
It is not where you have been. It is what you have learned along the way.
It is not how difficult the journey may be. It is the hope in your heart that inspires you to keep moving.
It is not where you are going. It is how you plan to get there.
It is not what faith you practice. It is that you practice your faith.
It is not that you are eating steak, lobster and fresh vegetables. It is that you have food to eat.
It is not what you believe. It is that you Believe.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"It is not who you Love. It is that you Love all." tc


  1. I respectfully have to disagree w/ some of your comments, Teresa. Particularly regarding what faith you practice and what you believe. How can many beliefs all be true? What is truth, anyway?

  2. Krista, Thank you for reading the blog! Each one of us will at some point awaken to the Truth of our life. All spiritual faiths were created to help guide individuals along the journey of the soul. However, it is up to each of us to make the choices that move us in a positive direction. The major religions of the world, SHARE a piece of the puzzle towards Enlightenment. No single religion holds all the keys! As long as one Seeks the Light, how they do it is not important, just that they do it.
