Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fire Inside

I heard this quote the other day and found it interesting to think about.

“When there is a fire some people bring wood, while others bring water.”

When I look back on my life, I can clearly see the times when I brought wood and contributed to the blazing fires around me. On some occasions, I even built the fire and invited others to throw some gasoline on it. Many of these events took place in my youth. I thought I knew so much, was right about most things and was invincible.

Then, life decided to teach me a few lessons. As I matured, I found myself beginning to lay the logs down and I began picking up buckets of water, instead. I discovered that it took a lot of energy to keep certain fires burning and I was becoming busy with other things in my life.

Now, I carry extra water in my truck and put out fires wherever I go. I realize that the benefit of fire is so limited in life and few know how to use fire effectively to accomplish anything in a positive manner, so it is much better to put the fires out, rather than try to manage an already explosive situation.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“I hope you throw water, instead of wood on the fires around you.” tc

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fire in the Hole

Have you ever had a feeling that something bad was going to happen? Did it come true? Many people recalled a variety of instances after the 9-11 event, where they felt that something transpired on that day, out of the ordinary, which resulted in keeping them from going to work. Some of the stories on the news reported a man stating that his alarm clock failed to wake him and he overslept. Another story told was by a mother who said her child had come down sick and no one else could help out. Yet, another story detailed a systematic timeline of routing an individual, away from lower Manhattan, when they had never missed a day of work in 8 years. And, some people reported just feeling funny that day and decided to stay home.

People around the globe are talking about feeling "something" that is unsettling now.  They cannot correlate it to any specific thing but there seems to be a universal feeling that "something" significant is about to happen. Whether it is a sign in the sky and/or an event on earth, all I know is that putting the drama of Hollywood aside, people are apprehensive about the near future. As a believer in God and destiny, it is time for all people to Be Still.  It is time to ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness with an open heart. It is time to drop judgment and stand to be judged.  It is time to focus on what is really important and let go of the useless nonsense of politics, religious differences and cultural supremacy.  It is time to Seek the Light.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Prepare Yourself!" tc

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fuel for the Fire

Most of us have experienced some form of regret. However, one of the most damaging forms is that of anger. Have you ever said something that later you wished you hadn't?  What about those bursts of slamming doors or throwing something across the room?  When people get mad, they lose some control over themselves. They may display a violent temper, speak harsh words or physically lash out against another. These actions create long-term trauma, not only for the recipiant of the anger but also upon the angry individual.
When a person gets angry, they are actually acting out their FEAR.  Regardless of what is projected towards you, if you stay in control of yourself, more often than not, the angry person will begin to calm down. Of course, you should always exit the scene, if you feel your life is in danger. Nevertheless, by acting to defuse the situation, instead of engaging in it, you will avoid many unnecessary fights before they have enough fuel to burn out of control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like the fiery red of an evening sunset, anger can seethe from you fierce and hot burning those around you or be cooled and soothed away by the crisp night sky." tc