Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

License to Kill

Mother Earth is our home. She has given us pure water to drink, fresh air to breath and rich soil, in which to feed us. Regardless of how much we overuse the land, pollute air and waste the water, she continues to try and purify all of it.

She attempts to discipline the children of earth from time to time by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, wind storms and flooding but we just keep on doing what we are doing with little to no regard for the consequences.

Yes, there are consequences! Everything of the earth is organic, perishable material. If you think you can continue to pollute, abuse and overuse the land, then you have permission…..on one condition. When you are able to make soil, produce water and create new air, from scratch, that will take care of billions of people, and maintain the delicate balance of mother nature; then there will be less of a need to be conservative with our limited natural resources!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you can co-create from nothing, then you can act like God.” tc

Monday, August 9, 2010

Forgive & Forget

The power of Forgiveness is immeasurable. When you accept as Truth that everyone is 1) Doing the best they can, 2) At this given moment, 3) With the information that they have, including yourself, there is no longer a reason for negative emotions to be held against anyone.

I try to share this exercise with everyone I meet.

Place a chair in front of you. Imagine, one at a time, each person that has caused you to feel bad, shameful, guilty, hurt or any other way that caused you harm. Place each individual in the chair. Say out loud that you forgive them for…..and list what they did. You may cry, yell, display in a releasing and safe manner any of the deep emotions that arise as you have them in the chair. Then, excuse them from the chair and place the next person in the chair.When you release each person from the chair, you also let go of any residual anger, pain and control that those emotions hold over you.

This exercise is KEY to unlocking your future happiness! It is an on-going act that when felt from the heart will rid you of any additional weight that has held you back from reaching your full potential.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Forgiveness is a divine act that sets you free.” tc

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Serpent Mother

Corbin, my oldest son, and I went hiking in a place called Red Rocks, on the west side of Las Vegas, NV. We climbed up and over boulders for over an hour in order to reach the top of a spectacular waterfall cavern.

On our return to the desert floor, a group of people were huddled at a small waterfall.  Beneath this huge rock, under a flowing stream sat this beauty. The rattlesnake had it's head up and alert but not making the known 'rattle' sound. I never knew rattlesnakes liked this type of environment.

As the serpent is symbolic of life and death, renewal and transformation, I suppose it should come as no surprise that it likes water! Ancient cultures recognize the serpent as an important symbol of higher knowledge.  Gods and Goddesses of the past have been depicted as a serpent.  Original creation stories and myths are full of magical, mystical powerful serpents. It was a special moment to 'safely' view this beautiful creature in her own environment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Hello, Serpent Earth Mother. Thank you for the renewing gift of life." tc

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Left in Your Wake

Oftentimes, people are so involved with the linear direction of pushing forward in life that they forget to look behind themselves. Today, I would like to remind everyone of the circular movement of life. It is very important to periodically, look behind you because what you leave in your wake is sure to circle around and become your future.

If you notice similar patterns evolving in your life that are not fruitful, it is time to learn from those patterns. If you keep making the same mistakes that cause you grief and can’t figure out why nothing is getting better, it is time to review why you keep making those mistakes. If your relationships continue to fail and the people in those relationships continue to mention the same or similar problems, you need to be honest with yourself and see if they are correct.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Holding onto negative patterns and holding out for a positive change is like waiting for a rainstorm in the desert. It may sprinkle from time to time but you will never receive enough to quench your thirst.” tc

Monday, May 17, 2010

Water Safety

The other day, I witnessed a very scary scene, a scene that unfortunately, happens frequently in the summertime on lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. A man had not properly secured his boat on the shoreline. Unexpectedly, a wind-storm blew in from the west. The intense wind caused the mooring of the boat to break and it started floating out to the middle of the lake. The man, thinking of his boat and not of his own well-being, jumped into the 40 degree water in order to retrieve his possession. It only took a few minutes in that water temperature for hypothermia to set in. As the boat drifted further out, the man found himself in trouble.

Luckily, there was one other boat on the shore and he was rescued from the cold waters. He was saved. I mention this because we are approaching the summer season, which is usually full of many weekend water activities. I hope that this message of a ‘close call’ reminds all of us that our possessions can always be replaced but our life balances within each moment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Be careful where you place your value. Nothing and no one is worth losing your life over.” tc

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


As a child, I was surrounded by water.  My parents owned a large campground and built 5 lakes in the area, which hosted a variety of water activities. Winter was filled with ice skating and being pulled behind an old jeep across the ice on our sleds. Summer was consumed with swimming, fishing, paddle boats and the annual fireworks display illuminating off the water. Needless to say, the love of all bodies of water has never left me.
I have spent time on both oceans, many different seas, little fishing holes that lie off the beaten path and on the shores of hundreds of rivers and streams. Regardless of how small or how vast the the water before me may be, it always takes my breath away!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Breathless, behold such wonder all around you." tc