Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lighting the Way

We use words for everything. They describe, state, answer, create and communicate just about everything we need to express. However, there are times in life where words are inadequate for the moment. When those moments appear, what is more important, is our actions.

There are 12 actions that we need to balance for healthy living. They are:

• 1. Keeping Quiet vs. Talking
• 2. Receptivity vs. Resistance to Influence
• 3. Obeying vs. Ruling
• 4. Humility vs. Self-Confidence
• 5. Speed of Thought vs. Circumspection
• 6. Accept Everything vs. Differentiating
• 7. Fight vs. Remaining Peaceful
• 8. Exercising Caution vs. Manifesting Courage
• 9. To Possess Nothing vs. To Command Everything
• 10. To Have No Ties vs. Loyalty
• 11. Contempt for Death vs. Regard for Life
• 12. Indifference vs. Love
                                             (Tree of Life Theory, Teresa Carlson)

Observing these actions and their polar opposite will lead to a person “using them at the right time in the right place.” This is wisdom in action. Therein, resides love, mutual respect, flexibility and balanced living.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The crowning glory of life is your wisdom in action.” tc

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Call of the Wild

Hawk is a dynamic, powerful, messenger.

Some of the symbolism associated with hawk is: attention, tremendous vision, power, energy, leadership and focus. Hawk also has the ability to soar above  any threat and see the solution to it from a larger perspective. I see Hawk as a teacher of Divine wisdom. In this way, I feel that Hawk is symbolic of God.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“With open arms, keen vision, intense focus and absolute power, God is ever-watchful over us and patiently waiting for our response to The Call.” tc

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Silent Wisdom

I was extremely fortunate to have had both sets of grandparents in my life as a child. Each one offered a very different experience but I learned a great deal from both of them. I was exposed to nature, animals and running free with one set of elders, while the other set of grandparents provided music, playfulness and educational knowledge.
It saddens me to see how the elderly of our time are treated.  Many are left unattended in their homes lonely and afraid.  Some are drugged to the point of incoherency. Others are abused or neglected in nursing homes and oftentimes, most are disrespected by their own family members. The standards that we have set for the care of our elders will shortly be the standard at which YOU are cared for. Take a moment and consider the wisdom that you hold and the length of opportunity in which you may be able to share it. Tomorrow is closer than you think.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The elders of our time are often treated like rubbish on the curb; full of information, devoid of any hope to share it and imprisoned by the materialistic ideals of our culture." tc 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

That dreaded P-word, Patience.

Have you ever wanted something 'right now' and the waiting seemed forever?  However, when you finally received the object of desire, the situation for you to enjoy it was better timed?
 I have found that by letting things happen more and trying to control them less produces a more fruitful outcome in all situations. Whether the thing that I want is an object, a goal, a relationship, a job, a vacation or an answer to a question that I have been pondering, Patience is the best action.

On that note, the quote of today is:

"The gift of Wisdom will only be revealed when you are ready to receive it."