Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Full Circle

I believe, that as Spirit Beings in a physical body, the journey that our soul takes can be followed along the same path as the sun. This, of course, is similar to the horoscope signs of the zodiac or the path of the ecliptical.

Ancient cultures referred to this path as the Milky Way or the Path of the Soul The constellations are created star images that help guide one along their path. By opening to and learning the mythological themes to the constellations, one is able to mark their soul’s journey, above, as they walk the physical journey, below.

This journey repeats itself over and over, like the Ouroborus; the ancient symbol of the serpent swallowing its own tail, forming a circle. The Ouroborus is often described as representing the eternal return of life, renewing itself with each cycle of death.

When we learn The Way and do The Work, we harmonize the energy of our spirit. This releases us from the cycle of rebirth, which some Eastern religions hold as a truth. This release brings us in direct contact with the Divine Creator. Our soul’s journey is complete.               (Tree of Life Theory, Teresa Carlson)

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“By balancing the spiritual/divine side (vertical line) and the temporal/physical side (horizontal line), we unite in the center of our being (the circle) and we become the Light of the Divine.” tc

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love is...

Warm, radiating, comforting and fulfilling and so much more!

Love is the only bridge that needs to be crossed. Love is the only ladder that one must climb. Love is the only wave to ride on the sea. Love is the path leading up the mountain. Love is the color of every sunset. Love is the warmth in your soul. Love is the light in the sun. Love is the radiating energy of spirit.

Love is the gentle reach of an extended hand. Love is the excitement in a child’s eyes. Love is the wisdom behind the wrinkles. Love is the essential movement of karma. Love is the dual forces of polarity, merged. Love is the flutter of a butterfly. Love is a gift you give to another. Love is a tear rolling down one’s cheek. Love is a parent’s fear for their child. Love is a cup of coffee on the patio. Love is a joke from a friend. Love is the expression of words.

Love is a silent moment. Love is your pet licking your face. Love is a billowing storm cloud on the horizon. Love is a fishing line bobbing in the lake. Love is the color of autumn. Love is a gentle breeze on a hot day. Love is accomplishing a task. Love is letting go.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Life is love. Share it with everyone.” tc

Monday, July 26, 2010

Diversity is Divine

Many years ago, I decided to become a volunteer with Hospice. Towards the end of my 20 hour training week, our volunteer group participated in a simple exercise. We were instructed to go to a table and select a variety of ribbons, yarn, string, rope, twine and other cord-like materials from this table. We were invited to select different colors, textures and lengths.

When everyone had picked their pieces, we were told to gather the material at one end and tie it in a knot. Next, we were instructed to braid the lose pieces together. I must say, most men have not had a lot of experience braiding and this part was amusing to watch.

The purpose of this exercise was to remind each one of us how different and unique we are. And, regardless of the differences, our lives have been woven together. Not one ribbon, rope, twine, yarn or string was the same, just like cultures. Not one newly created braid was the same, just like people. Looking at my braid and the others in the room, I realized how diverse the population is! For the volunteers, this project was a powerful reminder of how different the people are that arrives at hospice to share in the transition of death.

I still have my diversity braid and it is a rainbow of colors, textures and lengths. Through this exercise, I began to see how colorful and beautiful the world really is when we remove the conditioning of judgment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“We are unique individuals but made from the same colorful Light of the Creator.” tc

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


When we hurt, our feelings become a raw chasm of dark, empty space. Things that once brought great joy to our life seem less interesting. Places that used to hold special memories somehow become reminders of our personal suffering. We withdraw from people, places and things, preferring to reside within the tender, aching depth of our pain. We garner comfort in the hot, dark crevice of despair.

At some point, we have to face the hurt. We must release ourselves from the lonely darkness. We must let go of the misery and accept the pain as a transitory emotion, one that we control, not one that controls us. We must cry.

Bottled up emotions can create long-term stress and physical ailments. When our tears flow, instead of it being some sign of weakness and shame, it ought to be viewed as a natural cleansing of our spirit. It's ok to cry.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Tears express our pain. Let them flow and the ache inside will dissipate with each one.” tc

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ownership and Possession

My house, My car, My children, My property, My money, My dog, My job, My dad, My bike, My shovel, My hammer, My camera, My ex-wife, My ex-husband, My chair, My bed, My cup, My book, My backyard, My kitty, My apple, My tomato plant, My remote……

In the Christian Bible, Genesis 1; 26, it says, ”Then God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.”

Verse 27 and 28 continue to say that God made Man and Woman in the Divine image and set them on a path to be fertile and fill the earth, to live and enjoy the fruits of the garden. Unfortunately, the only real concept in this scripture that seems to have stuck with mankind was the phrase ‘Dominion Over.’ If we look at our actions and words today, we are not in any way, living the Word of God. We possess all material items in our life and even objectify those things that are not ours to possess. We have taken dominion over everything and have lessened it, rather than respect that which is around us and protected it. Victims of our possession are nature, animals, family, the planet, all people, religious ideals, places of worship, special scenic locations and the list goes on and on.

The water does not belong to us, the 40 acres of pristine farmland does not belong to us, other people do not belong to us, animals do not belong to us, the minerals of the earth do not belong to us and the space above our planet does not belong to us. I believe, that what this Scripture is saying, is that we are Stewarts of the land and sea and sky. We are here to enjoy the harvest of this great place and at the same time, take care of it. If we only take what we need, there is no waste of any kind. When we act in this way, We Command Everything and Possess Nothing! I believe that this is what God meant. The next time you go to say, “My…,” think about it.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Care for all and all will be cared for.” tc

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does God Know?

About 10 years ago, I was talking to a new friend.  After the usual job, family and friend questions, we entered into a deeper topic, faith.  I asked him if, he had a relationship with God?  He said, "Yeah, of course. I have a very personal relationship with God." I paused and with his full attention, I asked, "Does God know about it?" My newfound friend was stopped dead in his tracks.
Oftentimes, we think that by being a good person and not asking for too much that that is enough. That if we save our asking for help, until we really need it, God will always answer YES. That if we are really helpful to others, we will earn brownie-points towards the appointed time when we crossover. That by following all the rules, without question, even at the expense of personal fulfillment, we are a good follower of our faith. That by contributing money to the organization of our belief, we will buy good-will in God's eyes.
That is not what God is interested in. God is interested in a deep, spiritual communication with us.  When we do 'The Work' of balancing our earthly and divine sides, we open, heart and soul, to the voice of the universe and truly walk in the Path of Light. When we do 'The Work,' we become untouchable, immortal beings, the manifested spirit of our creator.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"So stunning, you can't deny it, even when you close your eyes!" tc

Thursday, April 1, 2010


In 1969, a study was conducted by Paul Newton at the University of Kansas and published in Science Digest, that tested the effect of sound on plants.  A book called, The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird was published in 1989, that addressed the effect of sound on plants.  Both, found that plants exposed to soothing melodies grew larger, faster and healthier. Those plants that heard harsh, sharp sounds became sick and some even died.
People are organic beings similar to plants. People emit and receive a variety of sound frequencies.  When we have not forgiven ourselves and others for all the trangressions of the past, we resonate a low, harsh frequency. This holds us back from growing and advancing in our lives (ie. the person still talking about some wrong-doing from years ago, like it was yesterday). Do you want to be around an angry complaining person all the time?  No.
However, when we understand and accept that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge that they have at this time, then, we are free to forgive them. This applies to our personal lives, as well. When we excercise forgiveness in all its forms, we emit a soothing loving frequency, which allows love to flourish and we grow.  Isn't it wonderful to be around happy, content people? Yes.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Anger, holding grudges and poor feelings for another will only weaken your ability to live a fulfiing life." tc

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fuel for the Fire

Most of us have experienced some form of regret. However, one of the most damaging forms is that of anger. Have you ever said something that later you wished you hadn't?  What about those bursts of slamming doors or throwing something across the room?  When people get mad, they lose some control over themselves. They may display a violent temper, speak harsh words or physically lash out against another. These actions create long-term trauma, not only for the recipiant of the anger but also upon the angry individual.
When a person gets angry, they are actually acting out their FEAR.  Regardless of what is projected towards you, if you stay in control of yourself, more often than not, the angry person will begin to calm down. Of course, you should always exit the scene, if you feel your life is in danger. Nevertheless, by acting to defuse the situation, instead of engaging in it, you will avoid many unnecessary fights before they have enough fuel to burn out of control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like the fiery red of an evening sunset, anger can seethe from you fierce and hot burning those around you or be cooled and soothed away by the crisp night sky." tc

Friday, February 5, 2010

Softer views

I was thinking about my family this morning.  I have three sisters.  What is so remark-able to me is that we are all very unique people.  We had the same parents, basic influences and were raised under the umbrella of the same culture but we couldn't be more different in attitudes, personalities and interests.
The beauty of such diversity, even within my own family, is that it gave each of us the opportunity to explore something new, learn another way and accept one another for who we are.
I beleive that my family environment made me understand that I could enjoy and flourish in the diversity of life, instead of ridicule and condemn those people and things that are different from me.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Labeling is a valuable tool to aid understanding but ought never be used to define."

Monday, February 1, 2010

Opinion vs. Truth

A few days ago, I had a friend present two different scenarios to me about her job.  She was being promoted but wasn't happy with the work she was doing and was even considering quitting her job. She asked me what she should do.

While we all seek guidance from family and friends pertaining to a variety of areas of our life, ultimately, we have to live with the decisions that we make.  No one else is going to walk the exact same path that we do.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Searching outside of yourself for the answers will only provide you with everyone else's opinion.  Look inside for your Truth."