Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grounding Required

Recently, I took an important exam. The results of this test held some significance due to the fact that passing the exam could highly influence my career. I was quite confident going into the testing area.  I completed the exam within the designated timeframe.

Upon finishing the test, I was quite certain that I had done well. With a little extra spring-in-my-step, I drove to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to share the good news. With both in attendance, listening to my recap of the examination, my Aunt sensed my confidence and asked if I had Aced the exam? Still feeling a bit puffed up by my belief in doing well on the test, I proudly said, “Why, yes, I believe I did.” Without missing a beat, my Aunt responded,” Oh, simple was it?”

After picking my jaw up off the floor and standing there totally dumbfounded, we all broke into belly-jiggling laughter! My Aunt gave me a big hug and attempted a weak apology through the stuttering and stammering of her explanation of what she had really meant.  This just made all of us laugh even more. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you begin to get a little too full of yourself, I hope you have someone who joyful brings you back down to earth.” tc

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Prideful Reflections

Is being prideful good or bad, healthy or unhealthy?  I have wondered this over and over in my life.  I have come to the conclusion that pride is healthy when expressed for others and unhealthy when expressed about self in an arrogant manner.
It is cool to see people express pride for their child's academic accomplishment, an athlete's prize, a religious milestone, a couple's pregnancy announcement, personal achievement or anything that reflects positive pride of earning.
However, it is not fun to listen to people boast of job promotions, expensive material possessions, etc. from an arrogant stance.
When you look in the mirror, do you see prideful arrogance or prideful joy?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Sometimes, you need to look in the mirror to see who is actually being reflected back." tc