When we face difficulties in our life, it is easy to get sucked into the muck of the problem. Catastrophic health issues, unexpected emergencies, long-term elderly care responsibilities and family changes, all create stress and zap energy from our seemingly, limited ready-reserve.
Next, we are bombarded daily by Internet ads that say “Have a good day.” Family members tell us to do things like “Cheer up.” And then there are people like me, who remind you “How great life is.”
However, when we encounter challenging moments, it is not always easy to see the lighter side of life. In fact, the longer the ordeal lasts, the less apt we are to recover fully from it, and/or regain our previous energy and enthusiasm about life.
Don’t Despair. Frequently, the biggest barrier to any type of recovery is our ATTITUDE. Do you want to get better? Can you make time for yourself? Are you going to allow this set-back to ruin your entire future? No, no, no, no and no!
Here a few simple guidelines to follow to help you get back on your feet after an extended absence from mainstream, everyday activities.
Steps to growth/change:
1. Pick yourself up and decide to make a change.
2. Figure out what you want and come up with a plan to ahieve it.
3. Take action, nothing happens by just thinking about it. You must act.
4. Continuously monitor your progress and make any changes that are necessary to keep you moving forward.
5. Be patient with yourself and reward the small achievements. Nothing happens overnight in any recovery or healing circumstance.
Everything takes time. Change is gradual. There are steps that can aid your desired outcome. Generally, you must begin with baby steps and as you make progress the strides become longer and higher. The key is to keep working at it. If you try to move ahead by leaps and bounds, oftentimes, you will miss something along the way.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Similarly to the autumn leaves requiring specific climatic and chemical changes in order to transform their colors, each individual’s growth involves certain stages of development that needs time to be integrated into the routine flow of their life.” tc
Showing posts with label steps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steps. Show all posts
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Step Up
We learn to read after we learn the letters of the alphabet. We learn to run after we learn to walk. We learn to multiply after we learn to add and subtract. As we master each level, we advance in our skills. Life is no different. The progress that we make in our daily life leads us towards the lessons that we acquire year after year. Everything that we do, whether it is as an infant learning to sit up or a protege being taught a new skill, it can only be accomplished one step at a time. Don't fret not knowing how to do something. We all learn at our own pace. Slow down, take your time, learn the steps and master each one before you climb to the next level. Then, you can do anything you set your mind to do!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"You will only get there, one step at a time." tc
Friday, March 12, 2010
Framed Ascension
Too many times, we forget that our guidance in life ought to come in the form of the spirit leading the body and not the body leading the spirit. There are many reasons why this happens: 1) We have not been taught that there is a divine creator behind all that exists. 2) We are not at a state of acceptance of something larger than ourselves actually being in control of our lives. 3) We deny the truth for personal gain.
When we put aside our ego and let the spirit lead the way, regardless of what happens in our life, it all works out in the end. No matter how many steps we have to climb in order to reach the top, each stride is one closer to the greatest knowledge ever known.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Let your spirit take you higher as you ascend the ladder of ultimate consciousness." tc
When we put aside our ego and let the spirit lead the way, regardless of what happens in our life, it all works out in the end. No matter how many steps we have to climb in order to reach the top, each stride is one closer to the greatest knowledge ever known.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Let your spirit take you higher as you ascend the ladder of ultimate consciousness." tc
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