Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And We Danced

The beautiful art of Pantomiming is the eloquent and powerful telling of a story through bodily and facial expression without sound. Ballet is the graceful and fluid movement of the body in a theatrical setting to classical music. Tribal dancing is associated with the rhythmic and pounding of feet to the earth in a commanding and robust state of spiritual excitement in order to unite the group as one.

Dancing is an ancient ritual that connects humankind to the Divine. The deliberate and flexible movements of dance, creates an internal rhythm and external flow of harmony and unity. When a person is able to dance freely, without inhibitions to control their movement or stifle their articulation; the emotional release of dancing can only be described as pure bliss.

My sister, Brenda is a dance instructor in Moline, Il. She has a studio called "A Rythmic Time." She not only excels at teaching Ballroom dancing but she is having "The Time of Her Life" performing on stage, tv and in local shows! What a great way to live one's life.

These are the days that you’ll remember. These are the moments of your life. You deserve to be filled with joy. You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to be free to seek your fulfillment. You deserve to shine in the Light.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Dance and the energy of the world blossoms with you.” tc

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Give More Than You Take

This is a theme that has permeated organized cultures, specifically, their religions for thousands of years. But, what does it really mean? I have always associated this with being generous and sharing what I have. However, recently, I have begun to question, if that is enough.

I have watched my parents, friends and neighbors give to those seemingly, less well-off. I have tried to emulate them in being generous with the money that I have and I am always trying to share, if I see a need. But once again, is that enough?

Does this theme apply to: helping someone in need, AFTER you are satisfied or before? Does giving only include monetary sharing or does it include sharing of self, too? What about attention seekers (I’m not talking about children here)? Does taking more attention from others for yourself, fit into this category? The Hindus have a saying about this topic. It is:

"Every selfless born from Brahman, the eternal, infinite Godhead. He is present in every act of service."
- Bhagavad Gita 3:15

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Every act of selfless goodness brings us closer to God.” tc

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Bouquet of Life

There is a stereotype in American culture that I think needs to be changed. The stereotype revolves around the beautiful, fragrant, colorful poignant giving of flowers. Have you noticed that most people receive huge arrangements of flowers at their funeral? I have been to several funerals in the past and it seemed odd to me that the deceased was covered in massive wreaths of color in the casket but rarely, if ever, received flowers while they were alive! So, I ask you, does this make sense? Who are the flowers really for and why?

My Aunt was in hospice just weeks before passing over to the other side and I decided to send her a large bouquet of roses. She was so delighted by the gift of love. She was able to smell the sweet scented flowers and enjoy the bright colors in an otherwise, less than joyful environment.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Give the gifts from the heart, now, that you wish to share; while your loved ones can receive the full enjoyment of your offering.” tc

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Buzz Around Town

An Action Energy that manifests itself within us is the ability to discern
 “the right time and place for everything.” Like the honey bee buzzing around from blossom to blossom, unnecessary fluttering is a waste of energy. There is no need to pollinate the same bud twice. Likewise, constant chatter and gossip is the workings of an unbalanced person. Continual talking is not filling in empty space, it is a contamination of the perfect sound of silence. There is a time and place for talking: a) when communicating or expressing yourself to another, b) when sharing knowledge, c) when teaching others and d) in coming to the aid of someone in need. Other than that, silent wisdom does not open the door to bickering, arguments, fighting, name-calling or any other negative action of talking.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“A soft buzz from time to time is all that is necessary.” tc

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Sitting in the stillness of the cool morning light, the soothing sounds of a running creek trickles past, softening the edges of a jagged shoreline. A mother sage hen calls out across the dry, desert valley below summoning her young to return. Looking up, wispy feather-like clouds brush across the deep blue heavens, as the last sliver of moon fades in the brightening sky. A fly buzzes past on its way to an unknown destination of delight. The natural rhythms of all living beings on the planet turn in the known cycles of the creative universe.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Organic, pure, easy….tranquility.” tc