Showing posts with label bee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bee. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Buzz Around Town

An Action Energy that manifests itself within us is the ability to discern
 “the right time and place for everything.” Like the honey bee buzzing around from blossom to blossom, unnecessary fluttering is a waste of energy. There is no need to pollinate the same bud twice. Likewise, constant chatter and gossip is the workings of an unbalanced person. Continual talking is not filling in empty space, it is a contamination of the perfect sound of silence. There is a time and place for talking: a) when communicating or expressing yourself to another, b) when sharing knowledge, c) when teaching others and d) in coming to the aid of someone in need. Other than that, silent wisdom does not open the door to bickering, arguments, fighting, name-calling or any other negative action of talking.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“A soft buzz from time to time is all that is necessary.” tc

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An Abundance

Having children teaches "parents" a number of lessons.  One of the most important is the gift of Selfless Love. When that beautiful, innocent, precious child is born and placed in Your Hands for safe-keeping, there is a part of you that expands and generously gives to another without thought of self. It is the love of your heart. No matter what that child does in his/her life, there is a deep sense of love that resides within you forever!
Selfless love is an act of giving that holds no strings!  You don't need someone to 'thank you' because you know your gift is appreciated.  You don't write it off as a tax deduction because gifts are not about greed.  You don't control what the other person does with your gift because the selfless act comes in your offering, not their response. Remember, the sweetness of life is in the giving, not receiving of self.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"May your path be warmed by the light of the Lord and not the arrogant sting of self." tc