Showing posts with label past. Show all posts
Showing posts with label past. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010

History Lesson

In high school, history was boring. I didn't care about names, events and dates from so long ago.  What could that possibly have to do with me now?  Well, as I matured, I've learned just how important knowing the events of the past are to my current life experience.
Knowing the past, allows me to be informed of methods that worked, failed or at the very least, were attempted. Since time and people move in cycles, it seems that we are destined to repeat similar scenarios, until we figure out the healthy way of handling them, ie. conflicts, wars, treatment of others and religious/spiritual truths. The past can tell a lot about where we have been and where we are headed.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"You can only be prepared for the future by reviewing the experiences of the past." tc

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ghosts of the Past

Have you ever noticed that people who are happy, rarely stir up trouble?  Because of their joyful state-of-being, they look for good and shun the lesser facets of life. On the other hand, those individuals who are extremely unhappy, always seem to be looking for a problem. They are troubled souls and create an ocean of turbulance around themselves and others, constantly. They ride the big waves of chaos and dig deep throughout the sands of time to build something out of nothing.
I was talking to someone like that the other day.  No matter what is currently happening, his bitterness from the past, will not allow the good aspects of his personality to surface. Whether it is 2 years, 7 years or 15 years later, those types of individuals seem to derive pleasure out of causing distress towards others. It is a sad, sad situation to witness. Until this person chooses to enjoy the wonderful things in his life now, he will never be a happy person.
We have many choices in life, though. We can look at a situation and see the waves beating against the shoreline and eroding the beach or we can see the complimenting forces of nature continuing to carve the handiwork of creation. I hope you move beyond the eroding ghosts of the past and stroll the beaches of tomorrow's potential.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Deal with your demons before you become one." tc