Showing posts with label god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label god. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Does God/Goddess Exist?

You know that excitement you feel deep inside, when something you have worked hard at is about to be completed?

You know that relief and happiness you feel deep inside, when a loved one returns from a danger zone?

You know that profound love you feel deep inside, when you are reunited with your heart’s partner in life?

You know that wispy, carefree feeling you feel deep inside, when everything seems right in the world?

You know that encompassing warmth that you feel deep inside when the grief is too much handle?

You know that tear gently rolling over your cheek when the joy in your being is so intense that you are laughing and crying at the same time?

You know that ache and yearning for the absolute truth of your life that you feel deep inside when the moments are quiet?

Does God/Goddess exist? Maybe the question ought to be, why can’t you see and feel the Light of the Divine in All that exists?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“God/Goddess is timeless, ageless and the Ultimate Consciousness that transcends mankind.” tc

Monday, September 27, 2010

License to Kill

Mother Earth is our home. She has given us pure water to drink, fresh air to breath and rich soil, in which to feed us. Regardless of how much we overuse the land, pollute air and waste the water, she continues to try and purify all of it.

She attempts to discipline the children of earth from time to time by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, wind storms and flooding but we just keep on doing what we are doing with little to no regard for the consequences.

Yes, there are consequences! Everything of the earth is organic, perishable material. If you think you can continue to pollute, abuse and overuse the land, then you have permission…..on one condition. When you are able to make soil, produce water and create new air, from scratch, that will take care of billions of people, and maintain the delicate balance of mother nature; then there will be less of a need to be conservative with our limited natural resources!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you can co-create from nothing, then you can act like God.” tc

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Call of the Wild

Hawk is a dynamic, powerful, messenger.

Some of the symbolism associated with hawk is: attention, tremendous vision, power, energy, leadership and focus. Hawk also has the ability to soar above  any threat and see the solution to it from a larger perspective. I see Hawk as a teacher of Divine wisdom. In this way, I feel that Hawk is symbolic of God.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“With open arms, keen vision, intense focus and absolute power, God is ever-watchful over us and patiently waiting for our response to The Call.” tc

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Elevated Living

While the country is being preached to of a possible second recession, trillions of dollars in government debt, the continuing war overseas and more natural disasters, we can choose to get caught up in the negative sensationalism portrayed by the media or we can focus on creating something positive in our individual lives.

While all of these events have their significance, we do not need to concentrate on the negative. We need to either help solve the issue, guide those in charge or stay out of it. Everything happens for a reason and perpetuating the problem does not end it.

We have the power to live well regardless of what is transpiring around us. When we live from the inside out, the exterior forces of the world have little to no impact on our lives. At some point, we will all experience a difficult episode but we can choose our reaction to it! We can bounce or we can hit the ground with a splat.

When we select a higher conscious reaction to the surrounding world, we move beyond the judgment of the masses. When we opt for a view from the top, guided by Spirit, we do not get bogged down in the grime of political affairs, religious extremism or media control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“God’s happiness is all around us. Let your view be sustained from a higher altitude.” tc

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Give More Than You Take

This is a theme that has permeated organized cultures, specifically, their religions for thousands of years. But, what does it really mean? I have always associated this with being generous and sharing what I have. However, recently, I have begun to question, if that is enough.

I have watched my parents, friends and neighbors give to those seemingly, less well-off. I have tried to emulate them in being generous with the money that I have and I am always trying to share, if I see a need. But once again, is that enough?

Does this theme apply to: helping someone in need, AFTER you are satisfied or before? Does giving only include monetary sharing or does it include sharing of self, too? What about attention seekers (I’m not talking about children here)? Does taking more attention from others for yourself, fit into this category? The Hindus have a saying about this topic. It is:

"Every selfless born from Brahman, the eternal, infinite Godhead. He is present in every act of service."
- Bhagavad Gita 3:15

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Every act of selfless goodness brings us closer to God.” tc

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does God Know?

About 10 years ago, I was talking to a new friend.  After the usual job, family and friend questions, we entered into a deeper topic, faith.  I asked him if, he had a relationship with God?  He said, "Yeah, of course. I have a very personal relationship with God." I paused and with his full attention, I asked, "Does God know about it?" My newfound friend was stopped dead in his tracks.
Oftentimes, we think that by being a good person and not asking for too much that that is enough. That if we save our asking for help, until we really need it, God will always answer YES. That if we are really helpful to others, we will earn brownie-points towards the appointed time when we crossover. That by following all the rules, without question, even at the expense of personal fulfillment, we are a good follower of our faith. That by contributing money to the organization of our belief, we will buy good-will in God's eyes.
That is not what God is interested in. God is interested in a deep, spiritual communication with us.  When we do 'The Work' of balancing our earthly and divine sides, we open, heart and soul, to the voice of the universe and truly walk in the Path of Light. When we do 'The Work,' we become untouchable, immortal beings, the manifested spirit of our creator.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"So stunning, you can't deny it, even when you close your eyes!" tc

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grace of God

Where does this power come from?

The ability to survive your child’s death.
The fortitude to overcome an addiction.
The strength to move beyond a break-up.
The will to walk again after a paralyzing stroke.
The muscle to stand up to a bully.
The endurance to find a job in a down economy.
The compassion to forgive an injured soul.
The control to be quiet when you want to scream.
The belief in life after taking one. 

When you put your faith in God, anything is possible. When facing the most daunting of obstacles, God is with you to ensure a positive outcome. That does not mean that all answers are yes. It means that you are never, ever alone.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Only through the Grace of God will you draw upon the power to overcome the challenges that you face.” tc