Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Spirit of It

A friend of mine recently posted her viewpoint on Facebook about a church congregation in Anaheim, CA., that had the opportunity to tattoo the church logo, (a heart inside a four-quarter circle) on their forearms. This act was offered during service and was to represent each person’s commitment to the church and to God. My friend stated that "tattoos were for pagans" and asked people to "separate themselves."

She received a number of responses, both positive and negative. While I support each person’s prerogative to express them self, freely and openly, it is important to differentiate between ‘law and personal preference.” Many responses to her entry quoted Christian scripture against tattooing the body. One was: Leviticus 19:28 which says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

I think that like many things taken literally in the Bible, modern understanding of it is limited and incomplete. If we were to remember the 'spirit of the message,' which I feel addresses doing no harm to your body on purpose, then, there is no judgment of right or wrong. Christianity only holds one piece to the puzzle of the Divine and dictatorship never lasts.

Additionally, my friend is the wife of a minister. The fact that she used the terminology of “pagan,” as further demeaning anyone who is of a different religious background than herself, is more disturbing than a poor judgment call on body art. How is this any different than the Muslim teaching of “hating infadels," anyone who is different than they are?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The underlying theme that God has tried to share with “the children of earth” is that of creating love and unity in all things, not separation and hate!” tc

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

With all the effort it takes to be patient, kind and undemanding these days, we also have to be aware of being boastful, true and hopeful. Do you find yourself needing to contribute to every story being told? Do you find yourself talking more about yourself, than listening to others? Are you sure that all your needs are met before offering anything to another? Do you secretly keep track of other people’s failures?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to know that this is not love! Love does not ridicule, take or hide. Love is open, compassionate and a gift you give to another. Love is not about what you receive, it is about what you give!
Love is the only thing standing strong when everything else has fallen.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Love is the Light shining through Hope.” tc

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just Like You

You’ve heard of the ‘ol saying of “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” right? As a teenager, I denied the accuracy of this statement, emphatically. However, as an adult, I cherish the similarities that can be observed relating to my Mother and Dad.

I learned how to do things, what to say, how to act, what is important, what to believe, why this over that and what not to do…..from my parents.

This month, my Mother and Dad will be celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary, a pure miracle in today’s society for longevity and love. I thought I would take this blog to honor them both.

I was quiet as a child….just like you.
I found my voice as a mother….just like you.
I care about the well-being of others….just like you.
I believe in One Almighty God….just like you.
I worked hard to educate myself…just like you.
I am strong and independent, yet bound by love….just like you.
I am beautiful inside and out…..just like you.

I struggled in my youth to show emotions….just like you.
I am a student of life….just like you.
I am philosophical….just like you.
I laugh while trying to tell a joke…just like you.
I found true faith in God…just like you.
I love to share my gifts and talents with others….just like you.
I am beautiful inside and out….just like you.

Thank you for being a fruitful tree for my life. Not every branch that I have spouted has produced gold-medal apples but the nurturing and light from your roots has nourished a healthy forest for my future.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“I love you, Mother and Dad.” tc

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hopeful Heart

With a hopeful heart, you know that everything is moving according to God’s Divine Plan.

With a hopeful heart, you accept diversity for the beauty that it encompasses.

With a hopeful heart, you find enjoyment in the simple things of life.

With a hopeful heart, you love openly and freely.

With a hopeful heart, you live by faith.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you lead with the heart, you can do no wrong.’ tc

Monday, August 16, 2010

Leading Stance

Many of us find ourselves in leadership roles. It may be because we have had children, were promoted at work or contributed skills in a club that placed us in front of others. Some people are born with strong leadership abilities. They naturally gravitate to the top of everything that they do.

The position of guiding others is one that takes a lot of responsibility, if it is done in a healthy manner. The leader must learn to follow their true vision and inner convictions. They must articulate to others what needs to be accomplished. They must have the courage to speak the truth at all times. Leaders need to be positive with their guidance. They must emit love and be willing to praise others.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Every great leader exhibited strength from within, not dominion over.” tc

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love is...

Warm, radiating, comforting and fulfilling and so much more!

Love is the only bridge that needs to be crossed. Love is the only ladder that one must climb. Love is the only wave to ride on the sea. Love is the path leading up the mountain. Love is the color of every sunset. Love is the warmth in your soul. Love is the light in the sun. Love is the radiating energy of spirit.

Love is the gentle reach of an extended hand. Love is the excitement in a child’s eyes. Love is the wisdom behind the wrinkles. Love is the essential movement of karma. Love is the dual forces of polarity, merged. Love is the flutter of a butterfly. Love is a gift you give to another. Love is a tear rolling down one’s cheek. Love is a parent’s fear for their child. Love is a cup of coffee on the patio. Love is a joke from a friend. Love is the expression of words.

Love is a silent moment. Love is your pet licking your face. Love is a billowing storm cloud on the horizon. Love is a fishing line bobbing in the lake. Love is the color of autumn. Love is a gentle breeze on a hot day. Love is accomplishing a task. Love is letting go.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Life is love. Share it with everyone.” tc

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Power of Love

Love makes friends out of enemies. Love heals the sick.

Love brings joy where there is sorrow. Love builds community where 2 or more gather.

Love creates peace out of chaos. Love brings a smile where there were tears.

Love creates harmony out of war. Love binds a mother to her children.

Love comforts the suffering. Love has many faces. Love fills a room with laughter.

Love saves lives. Love speaks softly. Love can be shared with everyone.

Love has no chains. Love inspires. Love gives hope to the hopeless. Love conquers all.

If you are ever in doubt about what to do or question if you’re going down the right path, ask yourself one question. If the answer does not include love, you may want to reconsider your next step.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Love is in the answer to every question that you may have.” tc

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take That....

Karma. Ancient cultures from China to India and south to Peru and African tribes believe in Karma. What is Karma? The belief that every thought, word and deed that you have and /or exhibit comes back to you either in this life or in a future life.

So, what qualifies.: Making fun of people…yes. Hoping for something bad to happen to another…yes (even wishing their Karma on them). Harboring ill will against someone…yes. Not saying I’m sorry….yes. One ups-man-ship…yes. Lying, stealing coveting ….yes. Cheating on an exam…yes. Damaging others’ property…yes. Taking more than giving….yes. Whispering about others…yes. Crude, sarcasm….yes.

The ancient cultures of the past have tried to spread the most important message for all humanity to connect with. Whether it came through a spiritual faith, a cultural practice or passed through history in the form of stories, the most important message of life is to LOVE. Sending love to every living being and giving love is the only way….here and now, for you to live. Swallow the sarcasm, Change your thoughts, Release your pain and Stop your negative actions. When you do, life will happen for you.

“When you share enough love, you become the Light.” tc

Monday, May 10, 2010

Queen of the Castle

There is a rhythm to life, a motion that moves us all through the ages. We take comfort in knowing that the sun has risen and it will rise again tomorrow. It is reassuring to each individual to know that there is an order to life. We make plans based upon this order. We build our earthly castle, one stone at a time to support our desire for security, comfort and well-being.

However, there is a conflict that develops inside us as we lay each stone. As intent as we are to create this palace of stone around us, we know that it is fragile against the onslaught of nature. We know that we cannot take it with us when we depart this land and that, regardless of the solidity of the stone, it will not last forever. This friction of ideals at some point will awaken us to the Truth. The Truth is that the only castle that lasts forever is the illumination of our spirit! When we dispense with the cultural conditioning of what is important for our life and start to walk the path of the soul, treasures abound around us. An intense fervor that cleanses the spirit and creates the glowing illumination of real comfort, security and well-being arises. Tempered by the calming effect of the crystal-clear, azure hue of life-giving water….. we become Love.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Plan to be surprised.” tc

Friday, April 30, 2010

To Have and To Hold

Specifically, in Western culture there is a fairytale myth about love. Singers sing about Prince Charming and a white horse saving the Princess. Poets write sonnets about dreamy romance, mystical heroes and everlasting love. Authors write novels that usually incorporates a happy ending. However, people in the West have a 50% divorce rate and a much higher unhappiness rate, as it correlates to “Forever with Mr. or Mrs. Right.”

The underlying theme that has permeated this culture is the belief in each person, as being a fragmented soul searching for the perfect person who will make them complete. Our culture promotes this type of thinking in movies, tv programs, Internet dating sites, religious ceremonies and reinforced in many family units. How common are phrases such as: My better half, My significant other, You are the wind beneath my wings, The light of my life, You complete me? Those phrases are empty statements of desire, not love.

Because of this campaign-for-love, many couples simply do not have the resources or teachings to come close to “Happily Ever After.” I know people who have been married 25, 38, even 40+ years who are not happy in their marriage but do not feel they have a choice to find fulfillment after so many years with one individual. An oath that no longer fulfills their personal journey has become a chain holding them back. The excuses range from too many entanglements to lack of will.

Regardless, relationship longevity is not based on some fantasy of love. It is based upon respect, responsibility, care and knowledge. Love is the gift you give to another, not the resulting expectation of sharing life with another. You are whole and complete on your own. You do not need anyone else to finish the beautiful creation of life that you are!

If you are not happy in a relationship, figure out why. If the problem can be fixed, Do the Work and fix it. If not, learn your lessons of the past and move on with your life. There is no sin in changing your path. It is your life to live. Forever is closer than you think.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Everlasting love cannot be obtained, until you understand what it really is.” tc

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Open Doorway

Love is the only universal language where barriers do not exist. We all want to feel love, have some degree of joy expressing love and understand at the core of our being the necessary value of love in our lives. All major religions and faith practices promote love as the primary foundation for growth. Love is the key ingredient that binds all life together. 
In the varied relationships that we participate in throughout our lives, we are given the opportunity to explore the numerous levels and degrees of love that people are capable of articulating.  There is not just one type of love, nor is there only one way in which to express it. The unconditional love of a parent for a child is very different from the love expressed between friends. The uniting love of a couple sharing their lives together is very different from the love offered in helping another in need.
When love is missing from our lives, we feel a void.  That void may be reflected in behaviors of anger, depression, introversion, extreme extroversion, lack of motivation and carried out in several other displays of attitude and action. I ask you to take a moment for yourself. Please consider your standards for love. Is your doorway open and inviting the light to shine or have you settled for a glimpse of the ray through the crack of a closed door?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Let your heart in love be as free as the wild abandon of the great outdoors." tc

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Seeing Stars

Oh, love is such a wonderful feeling. Those first weeks or months send us into a dreamy state of desire. We are inspired to be kinder to others, see a lighter side to life and we usually make extra effort to shower the other person with goodness.  However, at some point, the initial romance quiets down and the groundwork for lasting love must be built, if the relationship is to develop further. But what is the foundation of that lasting love?
It is not the co-dependent need for another.  It is not the expectation of someone else to fulfill your life.  It is not the discovery of 'your other half,' to complete you.
The foundation of lasting love begins with each person holding onto Their Own Gold. It is staying true to yourself and letting the other person be true to themselves, as well. You are a whole and complete individual without anyone or anything else! True love does not control, manipulate, envy or possess another. True love provides a warm, safe environment for each person to learn and grow in their life. True love is not an emotion, rather it is the gift of a sactuary for the Light of God to live within.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Love can anchor us to a specific space and time or transcend us into eternity." tc