Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sleeping Indian Maiden

I was traveling through the north-western Arizona desert last week and stopped at a roadside cafe for a bite to eat.  A gentleman, named Alan asked me if I had seen the Indian Maiden? I had not seen the maiden so he pointed her out to me in the mountain ridge. The story goes that the beautiful Indian Maiden is waiting for her Brave to come for her. Until that appointed time, she sleeps.
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you will see her profile in the mountain. following the ridge to the left, you will see her arms folded across her chest. I enjoyed the story and wanted to share it with all of you.
Which brings me to the theme of today's blog. Sleeping. All of us are living a life of conditioned behavior. We are in essence, asleep.  We go through the routine of daily living, planning and existing but rarely do we delight in the pure pleasure of life. The news tells us what to think about or concern ourselves with, our jobs dictate the timeframe in which we have to savor the important aspects of life and our cultural conditioning defines the boundaries of our acceptance and refusal.  Until we move beyond or Overcome our conditioning, we are asleep just like the maiden. One day, she will awaken to the Truth of her life and rise from the horizon of slumber which has entombed her for so long.  One day, we all will awaken to the Truth of our life and rise from the tomb of our existance to finally LIVE.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Freedom is a state-of-mind that you enjoy after you have cast off the conditioning of your life." tc