Showing posts with label tunnel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tunnel. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tunnel Vision

What do you see?

1. A narrow opportunity for change or the demanding work involved to change?
2. A drunk wasting governement help on alcohol or a person in pain needing a helping hand?
3. A person lighting a candle in spiritual hope or an individual who is delusional about an unproven faith?
4. Two people committing to love and a shared life or another 50/50 statistic of failure?
5.  An elder who struggles to care for themselves or a forgetful, nuisance that interfers in your life?

Our perceptions are influenced by our parents, culture, religious beliefs, past lives, friends and shaped by our daily interactactions.  

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Our initial perception is only a small sample of the totality of life. We can expand it to limitless bounds or keep it as narrow as the confines of a tunnel." tc

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Key to fulfillment

I was walking in the desert the other day and came across a natural tunnel at the end of an arroyo.  As I entered the enclosure, the air cooled and the light dimmed. There was a sense of comfort in this place of shelter. It was as if I had walked into a sacred place. However, after a period of rest, I realized that I missed the light, the expanse of a panoramic view and the opportunity to explore more and satisfy my curious nature.
When I decided it was time to emerge from this soothing place, I did so with an open heart, brighter perspective and an attitude ready to embrace the day. There are times in our life when we need to take a break from routine activities. There are times when we need to relinquish the responsibilities of everyday life for a bit of a refresher.  It is ok to seek a darkened shelter for a respite but if you enter without God leading the way, the temporary shelter may become a detention hall, instead.  
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Acceptance is key to fulfillment." tc