Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does God Know?

About 10 years ago, I was talking to a new friend.  After the usual job, family and friend questions, we entered into a deeper topic, faith.  I asked him if, he had a relationship with God?  He said, "Yeah, of course. I have a very personal relationship with God." I paused and with his full attention, I asked, "Does God know about it?" My newfound friend was stopped dead in his tracks.
Oftentimes, we think that by being a good person and not asking for too much that that is enough. That if we save our asking for help, until we really need it, God will always answer YES. That if we are really helpful to others, we will earn brownie-points towards the appointed time when we crossover. That by following all the rules, without question, even at the expense of personal fulfillment, we are a good follower of our faith. That by contributing money to the organization of our belief, we will buy good-will in God's eyes.
That is not what God is interested in. God is interested in a deep, spiritual communication with us.  When we do 'The Work' of balancing our earthly and divine sides, we open, heart and soul, to the voice of the universe and truly walk in the Path of Light. When we do 'The Work,' we become untouchable, immortal beings, the manifested spirit of our creator.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"So stunning, you can't deny it, even when you close your eyes!" tc

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