Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010


If I am honest with myself, I can see areas of my life where I have become complacent. It is not that I shouldn't find contentment in my life but too often, contentment leads to laziness or taking someone or something for granted.
Sooner or later, we come to understand that without doing "The Work," whether in a personal relationship, a job, spiritual enlightenment or daily activities, we have failed ourselves in growing into the dynamic person that we have the potential to become. When we wake up to the depth of our complacency, it is usually when someone or something has passed us by. Life happens now. So, embrace this moment of your life and leave "forever" for God to control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The vast mesa ahead presents an unknown and alluring invitation into endless possibilities, if you are brave enough to venture beyond your complacent state of being." tc

Friday, February 26, 2010

Over exposed?

The natural elements of our planet carved deep ruts, narrow canyons and jagged peaks up and down the mountainous regions of the earth. Ice, wind, rocks, water and debris flowed through this draw to expose the raw beauty that you see today. By cutting away the topsoil and sculpturing the land, Mother Nature has produced an awe-inspiring panorama of beauty for all to enjoy.
When we do the Work that it takes to forgive ourselves and others, when we heal from the damage caused by open wounds and when we open to the beauty of who we really are, the light emitting from within us is God's masterpiece sculptured from the rough-draft of creation.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The information that yields the most important Truths, cuts the deepest." tc