Showing posts with label red rocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red rocks. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2010

On the Edge

I have discovered that there are two extremes of people in this world. One type lives in the box, follows the rules most of the time and accepts life on the standards set by others. The other type of person lives outside the box, pushes the envelope most of the time and acknowledges the rules set by others as a guideline but usually creates their life experience one moment at a time.

Neither way of living is better than the other, right or wrong. It is simply different. For those who follow the rules and live in the box, there is a steady, routine security to life. There are not as many surprises but the exchange is comfort in knowing what is expected. For those people who make their own rules and live outside the box, there is adventure around every turn, constant surprises and a freedom to life that is unparalleled.

If you find yourself being one extreme but living another, it does not work for very long. Sometimes, we all find ourselves living contrary to what is natural to us. Just remember, change is inevitable and you can make changes to balance your life in order to live happier and more fulfilled. It just takes strength.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When standing on the edge of a precipice, breathe in the panoramic view, instead of immediately looking down.” tc

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Real friends are:

There when you need them, not simply when it is convenient.
Concerned about you over their personal gains.
Able to make you laugh when you feel like crying.
Supportive of your interests even when it is different from theirs.
There to share new ideas without judgement.
Willing to risk telling you the truth, even if it offends you.
Glad to derive joy in your accomplishments.
Fountains of wisdom, when you have no ideas.
Gifts of God to share in your life experience.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Friends may come from different cultures and practice a variety of beliefs but are solid to the core." tc

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fuel for the Fire

Most of us have experienced some form of regret. However, one of the most damaging forms is that of anger. Have you ever said something that later you wished you hadn't?  What about those bursts of slamming doors or throwing something across the room?  When people get mad, they lose some control over themselves. They may display a violent temper, speak harsh words or physically lash out against another. These actions create long-term trauma, not only for the recipiant of the anger but also upon the angry individual.
When a person gets angry, they are actually acting out their FEAR.  Regardless of what is projected towards you, if you stay in control of yourself, more often than not, the angry person will begin to calm down. Of course, you should always exit the scene, if you feel your life is in danger. Nevertheless, by acting to defuse the situation, instead of engaging in it, you will avoid many unnecessary fights before they have enough fuel to burn out of control.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like the fiery red of an evening sunset, anger can seethe from you fierce and hot burning those around you or be cooled and soothed away by the crisp night sky." tc

Monday, February 22, 2010

Prayers of Hope

Some of the behaviors that I see people of all ages exhibiting are very disturbing. An example of these behaviors include: teenages filming themselves conducting unspeakable acts, adults rigging stunts to become famous, conservative groups attacking alternative lifestyles in the name of God and the inhumane treatment of animals for a variety of profit-making ends.

In every one of these examples, education might have been the one action that would have prevented the original exploit from taking place. What kind of society are we to allow such behaviors to become the norm? By putting aside your judgments and educating yourself on a variety of topics, you can be the one who makes a difference for an entire population of people.  

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Lack of understanding does not excuse poor behavior." tc

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Rocky Road

A very wise lady once told me that "No one owes you anything in life." Based upon my cultural upbringing, I didn't like that statement at first.  However, when I thought about it, I realized just how accurate her statement really was.
I expect great service when I sit down to dine but I don't think about the waiter/waitress having a bad day.
I expect my hard work to produce some sort of return or reward but I don't think about doing things simply for the satisfaction of just doing them.
I expect my family and friends to love and support me but I don't think about the fact that they may not always agree with me.

We all need a gentle reminder from time to time that life is a gift that we have been given. It is up to us to create the experiences that we have in life not pass the responsibility on to someone or something else to provide for us.  Expectations will only lead us down a rough road and there is no proof of a smooth return.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Our biggest disappointments arise from our greatest expectations." tc