Showing posts with label pictograph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictograph. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hands of Time

What is time? I have been thinking about this question lately. Maybe I have been thinking about it because I want more of time in some regards and less of time in other areas. Regardless, we measure time with clocks and calendars. We track it over periods of days, months and years. We fill it with all sorts of activities but what is it?

Time is not a linear scale that starts at physical birth and ends somewhere straight ahead of us at physical death. Time is a series of cycles within cycles. Similarly to fades in fashion repeating themselves every 20 years or so, time is a circular cycle of the universe.
Every 24 hour period, the earth rotates one full turn around the sun. That cycle would still happen, even if we didn't track it. However, we measure 24 hours as a day. We fill that day with everything from prayer, sleep, bathing, working and fun activities to rushing around, endless frustration, sadness and worry. This happens day after day after day. Most of us acknowledge time but do not know exactly what to do with it. We try to hold time, curse it, want more of it and fear it. Time is a repeating cycle that we rotate through, until our spirit and consciousness rises high enough to break the cycle and become part of it. Instead of counting the minutes, treasure the memories.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"The hands of time mark every age, express each period and symbolize the cycle of life." tc