Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fire in the Hole

Have you ever had a feeling that something bad was going to happen? Did it come true? Many people recalled a variety of instances after the 9-11 event, where they felt that something transpired on that day, out of the ordinary, which resulted in keeping them from going to work. Some of the stories on the news reported a man stating that his alarm clock failed to wake him and he overslept. Another story told was by a mother who said her child had come down sick and no one else could help out. Yet, another story detailed a systematic timeline of routing an individual, away from lower Manhattan, when they had never missed a day of work in 8 years. And, some people reported just feeling funny that day and decided to stay home.

People around the globe are talking about feeling "something" that is unsettling now.  They cannot correlate it to any specific thing but there seems to be a universal feeling that "something" significant is about to happen. Whether it is a sign in the sky and/or an event on earth, all I know is that putting the drama of Hollywood aside, people are apprehensive about the near future. As a believer in God and destiny, it is time for all people to Be Still.  It is time to ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness with an open heart. It is time to drop judgment and stand to be judged.  It is time to focus on what is really important and let go of the useless nonsense of politics, religious differences and cultural supremacy.  It is time to Seek the Light.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Prepare Yourself!" tc


  1. Now's the time to begin.... Hull

  2. How true. Jesus talks repeatedly of wars, earthquakes, signs in the sky being just the beginning of tribulation. Jesus is returning and only those who have asked forgiveness from Him will be able to stand in the Judgement. He has taken our sins upon himself so that we will be able to stand justified before a loving, yet Holy, God.

    People get ready, Jesus is coming!
