Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts

Friday, September 3, 2010

Divine Love

Everywhere I turn in nature lately, I have been finding hearts! It is so fun to see where I am going to discover the next one.

I have found them molded into rocks, shaped in leaves, carved by erosion, formed by twigs, blown by the wind in clouds and created by growth lines in tree stumps.

God is showing all of us that The Light is surrounding each one of us on so many levels, if we slow down long enough to pay attention.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Love encompasses each of us and shines the Light of God into our lives.” tc

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hopeful Heart

With a hopeful heart, you know that everything is moving according to God’s Divine Plan.

With a hopeful heart, you accept diversity for the beauty that it encompasses.

With a hopeful heart, you find enjoyment in the simple things of life.

With a hopeful heart, you love openly and freely.

With a hopeful heart, you live by faith.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you lead with the heart, you can do no wrong.’ tc

Monday, April 19, 2010

Heart of Life

In the southwest region of the U.S., Tent caterpillars are hatched in a web-like cocoon among the branches of an almond bush. When they emerge, it is a phenomonal site to witness. These caterpillars metamorphosis' into brown, fuzzy moths. The moths lay eggs in the spring, the caterpillars hatch in 7 weeks, the caterpillars seek shelter under rocks or ground material, transform in less than 2 weeks into a moth and the entire adult lifespan is less than a week, wherein they procreate, again. Interesting.

I saw this and thought it looked like a heart.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Nuzzle up closer and feel the pulsating life of a beautiful heart." tc

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Open Doorway

Love is the only universal language where barriers do not exist. We all want to feel love, have some degree of joy expressing love and understand at the core of our being the necessary value of love in our lives. All major religions and faith practices promote love as the primary foundation for growth. Love is the key ingredient that binds all life together. 
In the varied relationships that we participate in throughout our lives, we are given the opportunity to explore the numerous levels and degrees of love that people are capable of articulating.  There is not just one type of love, nor is there only one way in which to express it. The unconditional love of a parent for a child is very different from the love expressed between friends. The uniting love of a couple sharing their lives together is very different from the love offered in helping another in need.
When love is missing from our lives, we feel a void.  That void may be reflected in behaviors of anger, depression, introversion, extreme extroversion, lack of motivation and carried out in several other displays of attitude and action. I ask you to take a moment for yourself. Please consider your standards for love. Is your doorway open and inviting the light to shine or have you settled for a glimpse of the ray through the crack of a closed door?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Let your heart in love be as free as the wild abandon of the great outdoors." tc