Thursday, July 1, 2010


I was reminded recently of something that I am sure every one of us needs to remember from time to time. I openly admit to being an achiever! Yes, you give me a goal or I set one and I will complete it. Not only will I complete the goal but I will exceed expectation. Frequently, as I make headway on the path, I go faster, as I get closer to the goal. I am motivated. I see the Light. I will forge ahead!

However, although meeting and exceeding the goal is fine....what was the journey like getting there? Honestly, I didn’t always pay attention to the tiny details of some of my past achievement. I did it, that is what matters, right? Wrong!!!!!!

An education is not about receiving a good grade. An education is about the class discussions, the interaction with others and then how you interpret and apply the knowledge.

Raising a family is not about having one boy, one girl and a dog to add to the mix. Raising a family is about playing with the little ones, learning to give of yourself, selflessly and developing a bond of closeness to another that surpasses the capacity of love that you thought you had to offer.

Living is not about the type of house you live in, the car you drive or the job you work. Living is about enjoying a sunrise, splashing in a puddle of water, meeting new and interesting people and creating experiences that help you evolve out-of-the-box.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Slow Down. Life is about the Journey. The destination will take care of itself.” tc

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