Oh, for the good ‘ol days….this brings to mind less stress, more interaction with neighbors, simple lifestyles and a profound meaning to life. One can get caught-up in ‘yesterday dreams.’ However, when we put some Reality in the mix, the good ‘ol days seem to lose a little of that nostalgic flavor.
Let’s review this for a minute. Less stress? Have you ever planted, worked, watered and maintained a garden because it was your primary food source? Neighbor interaction? Sure, people chipped in to help build houses, barns, plow fields and keep an eye on children because they didn’t have enough money to pay anyone to do the work. Simple life? We are talking laundry by scrub board, water from a well, horse and/or wagon transportation and long days full of physical labor. Profound meaning? Yes, do it or die!
Sometimes, when we day-dream, we tend to forget how things really were and fill in the characteristics of what we are really seeking………..Here and Now. The next time you feel a bit of nostalgia creeping in, pause for a moment and see if it is really the ‘good ‘ol days’ that you miss or some type of freedom, choice or feeling that you are missing………today.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“When the fences in your life seem to grow taller and the restrictions fill to match them, then, it is time to break away from the herd and blaze a new trail.” tc
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