Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Solo Shrine

I was playing with four kittens the other day. They ran, jumped, tumbled and rolled all over the place. It was amusing to watch them play. During their romp around the yard, they did not look where they were going and crashed in to the cement step, planter and leg of the chair. I laughed at their quirkiness, as none of their accidents were hurtful. Quickly, the kittens sprung to their feet and continued their play, unphased.

Our lives are different, though. If we don’t look where we are going, we may end up in a perilous situation. Instead of bouncing back on our feet, we could find ourselves teetering on the edge of a dangerous circumstance. How is it that for all the balance that God created in this world, we would somehow be left the most vulnerable to change? To harm? To Danger?

Well, there is a safety net that many people know about but forget to claim in times of turmoil. The safety net is faith. The Creator provides us with everything that we need in life. Because we have been given a highly intellectual tool, our brain; we must learn to access the knowledge therein. We must exercise our intelligence and come together as one consciousness in order to maximize the gifts that we have been given. If we share our safety net with everyone, then no one is ever left unprotected.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Like a tower standing alone on a hillside, its protection is only as strong as the thickness of its walls. However, our vulnerabilities can be eliminated if we combine our fortitude to excel and protect each other.” tc

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