Monday, July 12, 2010


There is a language known to mankind that uses a different set of rules in order to communicate the deep and timeless language of the universal. I have called this language, “Universal Consciousness.”

The methods used to communicate involves archetypal symbols, which Carl Jung coined but it goes much deeper by using our sensory perceptions, colors, numbers, natural planetary cycles, body language, shapes, and our Inner Knowing in order to express itself. This language crosses all known language barriers and cultural influences. Within this state of consciousness, all is understood.

Not only do we use this language through simple communication like “smiling,” which we all understand to mean joyfulness but other spiritual beings use this language, too. God, angels, spirits, aliens (to us) and even dark forces communicate through universal consciousness.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“There is a Universal language that we instinctually know and understand. This language can be used to guide, protect and teach us, if we slow down long enough to read the signs.” tc

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