Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feed Your Soul

Have you ever followed a dirt road to the very end? I grew up in the country. To this day, there is a stimulating and relaxing feel to leaving the cold, hard pavement behind and hitting a good old dirt and gravel road.

I can recall a sense of pure, raw living, when I was able to run barefoot through the grass. My sisters and I used to rake-up huge piles of autumn leaves and lay in them to watch the puffy white clouds pass overheard. Of course, we tried to find every shape and animal imaginable in each cloud. I had a blast hiking through the woods and tempting my sense-of-direction to the brink of getting lost, only to find the return path home without much effort.

I can remember the sacred feel of nature always around me in my youth. Sometimes, I smell certain scents on the wind and I am taken back to that childhood association, immediately. No matter how many ancient and beautiful churches, monasteries, synagogues or temples that I have been in, none of them compare to the rejuvenating, playful, loving and refreshing connection that I feel to our Creator, then the natural environment.

Get up! Get out and Get High on Nature!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Feed your soul at the end of the road, where there is nothing but natural energies to replenish you." tc

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