Saturday, July 3, 2010

Out of the Darkness

I was pondering the duality of life, the other day. Why is everything either good/bad, positive/negative, black/white, male/female etc.? Then, I read a book by Shirley MacLaine (the actress) called The Camino. A Journey of the Spirit. In her story, she explains that the duality of life is necessary for the Action of life to manifest. So, what does that mean?

I have come to understand what science figured out a long time ago, polarity, duality and opposition must be present for life to Be. You cannot have an action without a reaction. There cannot exist light without there also being darkness. Energy cannot exist without both positive and negative charges. Life cannot evolve without death.

Not long ago, I learned to Accept the duality of life. People are free to choose the peacefulness or chaos of experience. My wishing for things to change for others is simply a selfish desire for my life because if others do not wish to change, then my wish is really about me. I also have come to recognize that there must exist an opposite so that I am aware of a difference. If everything is the same, it is static, lack of growth, stationary, immobile and constant. Creation cannot be without motion. I finally Understand why……..duality is.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“From the Nothingness there developed Life, from the Peace there evolved Sound and from the Darkness Light manifested.” tc

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