Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doors to Open

I was in China two years ago and learned about the symbolism of the Red Door. The meaning behind painting a door red revolves around the ideas of happiness, wealth, good luck and truth. Ah, my American conditioning kicked in and I wanted to touch every red door that I encountered. Yes, I wanted happiness, luck and mostly wealth!!!

After all, wealth is what defines me as an American, right? The more I have, the better I am. The bigger my house, the higher status, I attain. The flashier my possessions, the more likely I would continue my success.

Then, my rational, logical side kicked in. Could I have missed the point of this symbolism somehow? In spite of the thousands of red doors in China, the majority of the population is living below poverty level, based upon American standards. Nevertheless, the people are the most kind, generous and giving souls that I have known. Hmmm, I need think about this a little more.

The symbolic painting of the red door is about spiritual life not material belongings. The red door invites wealth in the form of family, truth in the form of friendship, luck in the form of acceptance and happiness in the form of experience. The memories that one creates on both sides of the red door is what is so important, not the door itself.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Open your doors and invite in the real riches of life.” tc

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