Monday, July 19, 2010

Is it Black and White?

There are events and/or milestones that transpire in Western culture that are pretty customary. Not all of these events are viewed as positive. However, the majority of the people living in the USA incorporate spiritual or religious affiliation with many of them. Here is a brief list:

Birth day, school recognition, failed exam, puberty, lose football game, 1st car, graduation, 1st job, wedding day, promotion, vacation, fired or laid off, birth of child, 1st home purchase, major sickness, own company, damaging storm, place parent(s) in hospice and bodily death.

How many of us think or say, “Thank you God for……” when something that we perceive as good happens or when something seen as negative happens we say, “ Why did you let this……. happen God?”

The Divine Creator is Always with us. But, it is important to remember that although God is everywhere, we have been given the tremendous power of ‘free will.’ We ARE responsible for the things that we create and destroy in life. How many times has a ‘bad thing’ actually turned out to be a ‘good thing’ in your experiences? Being fired from a job may seem negative. However, oftentimes, when one door closes, another door opens. It is all a matter of perspective. Nothing is black and white. How we CHOOSE to respond to the milestones and events in our life, determine the outcome. It is the law of Cause and Effect!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When we view everything as black and white, we eliminate the opportunity to see all the beautiful colors that craft our memorable experiences.” tc

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