Thursday, July 8, 2010


I love rainbows. I have tried to include one each month on the blog. Rainbows are symbolic of so many different life forces but I love them because they are simply beautiful.

Rainbows are a sign of connection or bridge between two points. One end connects or links to another point. Building bridges in our lives provides opportunities for growth and expansion in our personal experiences. It also creates bonds of love and unity between people. The arch is inviting and encompassing, similarly to our open arms posture.

The seven primary colors of the rainbow that we perceive match the 7 chakras or energy points in our body. Focusing and/or meditating on the colors of the rainbow will help to balance and align the bodies chakra energy points.

Starting at the base of the spine and moving upwards, the colors and points are: Root= red, Sacral= orange, Solar Plexus= yellow, Heart= green, Throat= blue, Third Eye= violet, Crown= deep purple.

The colors all emit a corresponding sound or frequency that resonates in our body. The note or sound corresponds to the musical octave. Since I believe that we are light manifested into the physical, we each emit a frequency depending upon the level of our conscious/spiritual state of being. The higher our consciousness, the higher the musical note: c, d, e, f, g, a, b, c (repeating).

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"May the inviting warmth and breadth of a rainbow remind you to build beautiful bridges between yourself and others, bridges that are of light and love." tc

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