I en-countered a 4-H Fair escapee, recently. He had long hair, droopy ears and a twitch in his nose that convinced me, 'he wasn't to be trusted.'
As I shifted from foot to foot, looking for a way around him, he countered my movements by hopping in front of my path.
When we had both begun to settle down in each other's company, I snapped a few photos. Like any hard-core criminal, he dashed away as the flash lit up the evening sky!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Have some fun and express it in your own creative way." tc
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Layers of Sediment
The Grand Canyon is an amazing place to visit. The vastness of the landscape and depth to the canyon floor is almost incomprehensible. As I traveled along the miles of rim country peering into the abyss below, something very raw, connected inside.
As durable and stable as this area appears to be from our uneducated eye, it is really very vulnerable to many types of changes. Erosion is an everyday reality. It is erosion, a peeling away, that created and continues to transform this terrain. It is the erosion that highlights the beauty of what lies below.
Likewise, it is the misconceptions and disillusionments that need to be parted in our lives, in order to expose the depth of who we really are. When we learn The Way and do The Work, we arrive at a sense of personal clarity that illuminates our entire being.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Sometimes, we have to peel back many layers in order to find the root of what is really important." tc
As durable and stable as this area appears to be from our uneducated eye, it is really very vulnerable to many types of changes. Erosion is an everyday reality. It is erosion, a peeling away, that created and continues to transform this terrain. It is the erosion that highlights the beauty of what lies below.
Likewise, it is the misconceptions and disillusionments that need to be parted in our lives, in order to expose the depth of who we really are. When we learn The Way and do The Work, we arrive at a sense of personal clarity that illuminates our entire being.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Sometimes, we have to peel back many layers in order to find the root of what is really important." tc
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Point to be Made
I have had this feeling lately of doing some 'Spring Cleaning.' Have you felt that way too? It actually began a few months back. One day, I started cleaning out some boxes of things that after years of never opening them, I decided that they probably weren't all that important after all.
I donated clothes that had been hanging in the closet, unworn to Goodwill. I sold some items that just didn't seem useful to my lifestyle, anymore and I gave friends and family items that they could use.
It is healthy to periodically, clean out the old stuff in order to make way for the new. I don't recommend a set schedule because we always seem to find other, more important things to do, then. However, I do recommend that when the urge-to-purge enters your mindset, you take the time to listen and do the work.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Always be ready for change so you don't feel like you've been stabbed afterwards." tc
I donated clothes that had been hanging in the closet, unworn to Goodwill. I sold some items that just didn't seem useful to my lifestyle, anymore and I gave friends and family items that they could use.
It is healthy to periodically, clean out the old stuff in order to make way for the new. I don't recommend a set schedule because we always seem to find other, more important things to do, then. However, I do recommend that when the urge-to-purge enters your mindset, you take the time to listen and do the work.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Always be ready for change so you don't feel like you've been stabbed afterwards." tc
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I went camping a couple of weeks ago and came across this beautiful Blue Heron. I watched him for a long time. He seemed so wise standing up on that rock ledge with his head held high.
When I returned home, I learned that these birds are in fact very wise. They will wade along the waters edge for hours, patiently waiting until a fish comes by. Then, they will strike it fast, eating it whole. On land, they use the same technique to capture mice and insects.
They are large birds with a wingspan up to 7 feet wide and bodies about 2 feet high. Also, the Blue Heron reuses the same nest year after year. The male bird brings fresh branches to the nest and the female bird works those twigs and such into the old material making the nest larger and larger over time. Each year, the Blue Heron will lay 2-7 eggs.
Fascinating birds!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Recycled material is not only an efficient manner in handling old trash, it is wise!" tc
When I returned home, I learned that these birds are in fact very wise. They will wade along the waters edge for hours, patiently waiting until a fish comes by. Then, they will strike it fast, eating it whole. On land, they use the same technique to capture mice and insects.
They are large birds with a wingspan up to 7 feet wide and bodies about 2 feet high. Also, the Blue Heron reuses the same nest year after year. The male bird brings fresh branches to the nest and the female bird works those twigs and such into the old material making the nest larger and larger over time. Each year, the Blue Heron will lay 2-7 eggs.
Fascinating birds!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Recycled material is not only an efficient manner in handling old trash, it is wise!" tc
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Blurred Vision
"I'm easy going. I don't worry about what's going to happen. I just let things slide. You can't control anything, anyway."
How many times have you heard other people express those statements and you thought: 'Boy, they don't have a clue. They try to control everything!' It is VERY easy to see what other people do or say but it is VERY difficult to admit to the things that we do and say that other people see.
One of the things that I try to do in this blog is make people more aware. If we become more aware of what we do, say and think then, we learn to become less critical of others. Truly, all the issues that you point out about other people, actually reflect the characteristics that you are unable to deal with about yourself in some way.
How many times have you complained about people driving too fast, only to have family & friends comment about 'how fast you drive?' What about the person who complains about the neighbors having all these parties? In truth, this person is probably wishing that they would be invited to a party.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"When we learn to see the goodness that we have within us, we tend to focus less on the negative aspects of another. " tc
How many times have you heard other people express those statements and you thought: 'Boy, they don't have a clue. They try to control everything!' It is VERY easy to see what other people do or say but it is VERY difficult to admit to the things that we do and say that other people see.
One of the things that I try to do in this blog is make people more aware. If we become more aware of what we do, say and think then, we learn to become less critical of others. Truly, all the issues that you point out about other people, actually reflect the characteristics that you are unable to deal with about yourself in some way.
How many times have you complained about people driving too fast, only to have family & friends comment about 'how fast you drive?' What about the person who complains about the neighbors having all these parties? In truth, this person is probably wishing that they would be invited to a party.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"When we learn to see the goodness that we have within us, we tend to focus less on the negative aspects of another. " tc
Friday, June 25, 2010
Some people get very caught up in their self-righteous attitude. They seem to think that they are better than others, more deserving, correct in their ideas and ideals and they permeate an air of superiority all around themselves.
However, when we look at the path left behind them, frequently it is litered with unhappy associates, disgruntled family members and bridges of ash.
If we take the time to discover that we are not here to be served, waited upon hand-and-foot and preened over, as though we are somewhat better than our neighbor; then we unlock the door to our growth and happiness. We are here to learn, share and be!
We are here to build bridges. Use your skills and others will benefit, too. Share your talents and bring joy to those around you. Serve each other and there will be no room for greed, self-righteousness or power struggles.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Build a bridge for everyone to cross and God will bring you the gift of life." tc
However, when we look at the path left behind them, frequently it is litered with unhappy associates, disgruntled family members and bridges of ash.
If we take the time to discover that we are not here to be served, waited upon hand-and-foot and preened over, as though we are somewhat better than our neighbor; then we unlock the door to our growth and happiness. We are here to learn, share and be!
We are here to build bridges. Use your skills and others will benefit, too. Share your talents and bring joy to those around you. Serve each other and there will be no room for greed, self-righteousness or power struggles.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Build a bridge for everyone to cross and God will bring you the gift of life." tc
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Hole in the World
There is a hole in our world today. Corporate greed is saturating the economy to the point of complete collapse. Religious ideals that have been engrained in society for thousands of years are empty of meaning and hold very little inspiration to the spiritually hungry. Political turmoil has reached a breaking point between power hungry nations and those attempting to prove otherwise.
When the ‘bottom line’ is more important than the well-being of people and the environment, something must change. The Creator gave us free will to create and destroy, as we wish. We have become god-like in our actions toward each other and our planet. When we kill each other off over power, control and greed, who will be left standing to enjoy the riches of life? When the planet is so intoxicated from the pollutants of OUR creation, where are we going to get a new one?
Each one of us has the power to make a positive difference. When was the last time you complimented someone on the street? When was the last time that you said you were sorry for being a jerk? When was the last time that you called up your parents, grandparents or old friend just to talk?
The giant hole in our world reflects the growing hole in our hearts. It is never too late to change, though. Look in the mirror and change the person looking back at you! Smile. Give thanks for the day and for your life. You are a miracle of God's creation and you make the difference every day.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“When you fill the hole in your heart with love and spread it to others, the heart of the universe becomes charged with light and positive energy. “ tc
When the ‘bottom line’ is more important than the well-being of people and the environment, something must change. The Creator gave us free will to create and destroy, as we wish. We have become god-like in our actions toward each other and our planet. When we kill each other off over power, control and greed, who will be left standing to enjoy the riches of life? When the planet is so intoxicated from the pollutants of OUR creation, where are we going to get a new one?
Each one of us has the power to make a positive difference. When was the last time you complimented someone on the street? When was the last time that you said you were sorry for being a jerk? When was the last time that you called up your parents, grandparents or old friend just to talk?
The giant hole in our world reflects the growing hole in our hearts. It is never too late to change, though. Look in the mirror and change the person looking back at you! Smile. Give thanks for the day and for your life. You are a miracle of God's creation and you make the difference every day.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“When you fill the hole in your heart with love and spread it to others, the heart of the universe becomes charged with light and positive energy. “ tc
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Looks can be Deceiving.
There have been a number of times in my life where I have ‘judged the book by the cover.’ Now, for anyone who has paid attention, you have learned the hard lesson that I have had to face (a few times), also. Not everyone acts on the higher standard of living. In fact, I have come across people who may look the part of trusting and kind but it is all a mask. Likewise, I have met the stereotypical ‘bad boy or bad girl’ type and found them to have a Heart of Gold.
Call it stupid, naïve, trusting or foolish but I hold a belief that inside people are good and are really trying their best, even if they prove me wrong (sometimes repeatedly). I have hope that everyone, at their given time, will awaken to the Truth of their life and be kind, thoughtful, considerate, trusting and so forth.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Don’t be fooled by the outward appearance of power and stature. One’s actions tell the truth about what’s inside, wherein one’s first impression may be filled with lies.” tc
Call it stupid, naïve, trusting or foolish but I hold a belief that inside people are good and are really trying their best, even if they prove me wrong (sometimes repeatedly). I have hope that everyone, at their given time, will awaken to the Truth of their life and be kind, thoughtful, considerate, trusting and so forth.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Don’t be fooled by the outward appearance of power and stature. One’s actions tell the truth about what’s inside, wherein one’s first impression may be filled with lies.” tc
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
This Old House
Old buildings fascinate me. I love to be out hiking or vacationing and come across an old, broken down cabin from the late 1800’s or earlier. The work involved in building these stone and/or wooden houses with the given tools of the time is so different from today’s craftsmanship.
Huge stones were moved by hand or horse. Oftentimes, a mud mixture was used to fill in the gaps, not cement or mortar. The ceilings were made by binding together branches and wood. Then, they were piled on top in thick layers to insure insulation against the weather.
Many of these structures were built into rock walls, earthen mounds or other natural rises in the ground in order to protect against the weather.
The average home built today, albeit full of high-tech gadgets and massive in size, just doesn’t present the same ingenuity or interest to me as the homes from “yester-year.”
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Take the time it requires in order to build yourself a home that begins with a solid base, is made of quality products and will not crumble under the pressures of time.” tc
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Nectar of Life
Today is the Summer Solstice. This is the longest day of the year. As you move through the next couple of months of summer, it would be good to keep in mind the lessons that the hummingbird teaches us.
1. Even though the hummingbird is the smallest bird, I just learned that this dynamic little creature has been known to chase off eagles.
~The ‘hummer’ teaches us to be fearless in life.
2. Their name comes from the vibration that the wings make. Humming creates an internal massage in us, which helps to restore our natural health and balance.
~Try implementing a little ‘humming’ in your daily activities and see how much better you will feel.
3. Hummingbirds are the most skillful flyer. They can hover in the air, fly forward, sideways and they are the only bird that is able to fly backwards. They cannot walk.
~This reminds us that if we truly enjoy the things that we do, we will feel as light as a feather.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Nature has an amazing way of teaching us something new, if we slow down for a just a moment and drink from the nectar of life.” tc
1. Even though the hummingbird is the smallest bird, I just learned that this dynamic little creature has been known to chase off eagles.
~The ‘hummer’ teaches us to be fearless in life.
2. Their name comes from the vibration that the wings make. Humming creates an internal massage in us, which helps to restore our natural health and balance.
~Try implementing a little ‘humming’ in your daily activities and see how much better you will feel.
3. Hummingbirds are the most skillful flyer. They can hover in the air, fly forward, sideways and they are the only bird that is able to fly backwards. They cannot walk.
~This reminds us that if we truly enjoy the things that we do, we will feel as light as a feather.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Nature has an amazing way of teaching us something new, if we slow down for a just a moment and drink from the nectar of life.” tc
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day!
Today is a special day, in which we all have the opportunity to share a special gift of gratitude for our fathers. A mother is generally celebrated for her nurturing characteristics but fathers can be very nurturing, as well. Western, cultural influence has created an image of a father as simply the “provider for the family.” What this has meant to men and their families is that a father’s role is simply to work hard, put food on the table and make sure that the needs of the family of taken care of.
What a warped perspective this has created for many men and their contribution to the family and society, as a whole. A Father is the male figure that young girls will base future partners upon. A Father is the figure that young boys will try and emulate their entire future after. Does this help explain or bring to light some of the “dysfunctional” family dynamics going on today?
A father has an immense amount of love to share with the family. Fathers are playful, wise, creative, exciting, adventurous, warm, comforting and funny, to name a few characteristics. Let’s recognize and give thanks for the 'providing aspects' of fathers today but let’s Celebrate the love that they bring to the family and the wonderful experience of life, too!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is: (the quote I gave to my Dad)
“With outstretched arms, safe and sheltering, like the boughs of an evergreen branch; a Father’s love for his children strengthens and grows with each passing year.” tc
Today is a special day, in which we all have the opportunity to share a special gift of gratitude for our fathers. A mother is generally celebrated for her nurturing characteristics but fathers can be very nurturing, as well. Western, cultural influence has created an image of a father as simply the “provider for the family.” What this has meant to men and their families is that a father’s role is simply to work hard, put food on the table and make sure that the needs of the family of taken care of.
What a warped perspective this has created for many men and their contribution to the family and society, as a whole. A Father is the male figure that young girls will base future partners upon. A Father is the figure that young boys will try and emulate their entire future after. Does this help explain or bring to light some of the “dysfunctional” family dynamics going on today?
A father has an immense amount of love to share with the family. Fathers are playful, wise, creative, exciting, adventurous, warm, comforting and funny, to name a few characteristics. Let’s recognize and give thanks for the 'providing aspects' of fathers today but let’s Celebrate the love that they bring to the family and the wonderful experience of life, too!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is: (the quote I gave to my Dad)
“With outstretched arms, safe and sheltering, like the boughs of an evergreen branch; a Father’s love for his children strengthens and grows with each passing year.” tc
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Narrow Passage
When I look back upon my life, I honestly have to admit, that some of the decisions that I made only worked out because all the surrounding details fit together precisely at the same time, also.
Here is an example of what I mean: There was one time when I decided to move. I felt that I should leave city-life and return to the country/mountain-life that I love. Weighing my desire to move against the work involved, was intense. I had to get out of a long rental agreement that I was only a few months into. I had to find a new place to live that met the criteria for my family and I to live in. I had two kids that would require changing schools. I had a full-time job at the opposite end of the town that would increase travel time and fuel cost. I was going to night school, which meant that I would still have to return to the city once a week for classes. I also had to include the legal modifications that needed to be worked out with the courts due to parental visiting time with their father and such.
Boy, thinking about all the duties, obligations and work mounting before me was enough to make anyone feel slightly overwhelmed. However, giving the thought of moving a couple more weeks to stew in my mind, I established a game-plan, if you will. Within three months of coming to the surety that I was supposed to move, I had accomplished, without negative recourse, a new home, new renters for the old rental, a new school for the boys, a new job, the legal documentation completed and a schedule for my education.
By looking at the “Big Picture of what was required to make this move happen, I could have succumbed to the inundation of the whole change being too much to handle or deal with. But, by sorting out the step-by-step process of what became the priority duty to handle first and establishing a basic working plan, I was able to achieve the many tasks before me, seemingly effortlessly.
So, on that note, the quoted of the day is:
“When something is right for your life, you may be presented with a narrow passageway in which to travel but everything will fall into place.” tc
Friday, June 18, 2010
A Divine Center
As a student of the world, I am constantly observing, piecing together and analyzing the various aspects of life. It is interesting to me to take-in the external differences that each individual displays. Some people seem shy, others gregarious and many are just going-through-the motions of living. With such diverse and varied cultures, many of these personality types, which on the surface seem pretty similar, are even more sundry, when viewed through different cultural lenses.
If we were to untangle the mixed perspectives of religion, remove the overbearing voice of politics and unlocked the habitual practices of culture, what lies at the center? People. People are influenced by religion, politics and their culture but they are NOT those things. At the very center of every single person on the planet is a warm, loving, helpful soul, who has a beautiful light to shine with everyone else. Unfortunately, the mess of stuff around one creates such fear that oftentimes, the light is squeezed away so that all that can be seen is darkness.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“The flavor of life is experienced when we are able to appreciate the unique richness of the whole, manifested in an assorted blend of mottled distinction.” tc
If we were to untangle the mixed perspectives of religion, remove the overbearing voice of politics and unlocked the habitual practices of culture, what lies at the center? People. People are influenced by religion, politics and their culture but they are NOT those things. At the very center of every single person on the planet is a warm, loving, helpful soul, who has a beautiful light to shine with everyone else. Unfortunately, the mess of stuff around one creates such fear that oftentimes, the light is squeezed away so that all that can be seen is darkness.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“The flavor of life is experienced when we are able to appreciate the unique richness of the whole, manifested in an assorted blend of mottled distinction.” tc
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Temple of God
What is the Temple of God?
Is it a building? A few of the world's major religions promote a Holy Temple that is supposed to be rebuilt in the Middle East.
Is it a person? Another large religion speaks of the return of a savior.
Is it a way? Far East cultures strive for a higher consciousness.
What is one to believe?
I have come to understand that the Temple of God resides within us. We are the house of our Creator. We become the Spirit of God, when we do the work.
We are the illumination of the light when we live the Way, every day.
Instead of looking around for a person, building or method.....look inside yourself to find the most sacred temple of God.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Created in the image of the Divine, we will awaken at some point, to the Truth that we are the Divine Spirit of God." tc
Is it a building? A few of the world's major religions promote a Holy Temple that is supposed to be rebuilt in the Middle East.
Is it a person? Another large religion speaks of the return of a savior.
Is it a way? Far East cultures strive for a higher consciousness.
What is one to believe?
I have come to understand that the Temple of God resides within us. We are the house of our Creator. We become the Spirit of God, when we do the work.
We are the illumination of the light when we live the Way, every day.
Instead of looking around for a person, building or method.....look inside yourself to find the most sacred temple of God.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Created in the image of the Divine, we will awaken at some point, to the Truth that we are the Divine Spirit of God." tc
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Safety in Numbers
Can there be any doubt that most animals, birds and fish gather in numbers? Herds, flocks, swarms and schools are all proof that there is safety in numbers.
People are social creatures, as well. When we band together for the 'right reasons' many good things happen. There is strength in numbers. Let's group together to build a wonderful new age, in which to raise our families, hangout with friends and live our lives to the fullest!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"We can accomplish anything, if we do it together." tc
People are social creatures, as well. When we band together for the 'right reasons' many good things happen. There is strength in numbers. Let's group together to build a wonderful new age, in which to raise our families, hangout with friends and live our lives to the fullest!
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"We can accomplish anything, if we do it together." tc
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monuments to the Dead
What is death? Many cultures have elaborate ceremonies revolving around death. Sadly, many of those ceremonies are wrapped in dark, despairing and depressive rituals.
I believe that Death is simply a transformation of the soul from the physical body back into the spiritual light, in which it came from. Physical death should be a celebration of that person's actual life on earth. For the soul is of light, energy, sound. It can move across dimensions and cycles, which we call time.
The soul does not perish, only the physical, organic body dies. The soul IS everlasting! Please stop building sad monuments to the deceased. They have moved onward. It is for those left behind, who cling to the fear surrounding death, that statues and monuments are erected.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Death is the Spirit's rebirth into the Light." tc
I believe that Death is simply a transformation of the soul from the physical body back into the spiritual light, in which it came from. Physical death should be a celebration of that person's actual life on earth. For the soul is of light, energy, sound. It can move across dimensions and cycles, which we call time.
The soul does not perish, only the physical, organic body dies. The soul IS everlasting! Please stop building sad monuments to the deceased. They have moved onward. It is for those left behind, who cling to the fear surrounding death, that statues and monuments are erected.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Death is the Spirit's rebirth into the Light." tc
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sands of Time
This sand slide is about 150-175 feet high tucked behind a sandstone ridge in northern Arizona. The sand is so fine that it is almost like powder. Additionally, it is at about a 9 degree incline. Walking up the sand takes some effort because with each step, it seems as though you're not making much progress.
After reaching the summit of this sand slide, I paused for a moment of celebration. Boy, was that a hike! I'll take pine trees and brush in the Rockies, anyday :)
What was so surprising about this mound was that only a few inches under the scorching white sand was a soft, cool layer of sand that eased the work of the climb. So, I got to think'in.......
If we remember to lay down a cushion in life, the troubles that we experience won't seem so tough to handle. Logic tells me that the fall won't hurt so badly. Now, I know that we cannot carry around a foam pad everywhere that we go. How silly would that be? However, we can hold within us a protective padding that allows us to make our own decisions, live a joyful and fulfilling life, yet, ease the difficulties that arise from time to time. This cushion is a belief in something bigger than us. This cushion is filled with love not nails. This cushion is God.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"There are times when we all need to lean on another to slow the downward slide of life's troubles." tc
After reaching the summit of this sand slide, I paused for a moment of celebration. Boy, was that a hike! I'll take pine trees and brush in the Rockies, anyday :)
What was so surprising about this mound was that only a few inches under the scorching white sand was a soft, cool layer of sand that eased the work of the climb. So, I got to think'in.......
If we remember to lay down a cushion in life, the troubles that we experience won't seem so tough to handle. Logic tells me that the fall won't hurt so badly. Now, I know that we cannot carry around a foam pad everywhere that we go. How silly would that be? However, we can hold within us a protective padding that allows us to make our own decisions, live a joyful and fulfilling life, yet, ease the difficulties that arise from time to time. This cushion is a belief in something bigger than us. This cushion is filled with love not nails. This cushion is God.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"There are times when we all need to lean on another to slow the downward slide of life's troubles." tc
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Soul's Journey
Children are born with a secret knowledge about life that is conditioned out of them as they grow. The innocence of youth is not about sexual virginity, which Western culture has become obsessed with. The innocence of youth is about the ability to communicate with the Creator, without the Veil of Existence shielding the way.
The secret that children retain is one of the soul's journey through incarnate life. As adults, conditioned by our parents, culture and surrounding influences, we lose the ability to readily communicate in spirit with 'the other side.' It takes a lot of time, energy and dedication to reconnect with our light-self, once we have been rewarded with so many stimuli for our physical self.
The path back to Light is a step-by-step process out of Darkness. This has been referred to in the past as the 'Valley of Death,' 'Underground/Underworld,' the 'Light at the End of the Tunnel' and 'Path of the Soul." This journey takes several lifetimes to complete. As we learn the lessons of life, we come one breath closer to our Creator. We move closer to dissolving, who we think we are, and come to know that we are really a Light of the Divine.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The soul's journey is physically acted out on earth and spiritually illuminated in the sky." tc
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Healing Hands
There are millions of doctors in the world. Many of them hold degrees of higher learning. In Western culture, we have traditionally gone to a local expert in the field of clinical medicine, when we experience any type of ailment.
However, not all methods of healing come in one specific formula. There are energy healers, faith healers and many different kinds of holistic healing applications. Some methods range from teas to touching rocks, having prayers said and even certain musical notes are played to aid in healing. People have used a variety of methods throughout time in order to help with problems of the mind, flesh and spirit.
We do not need to give up knowledge and control of our bodies to "experts" in order to receive the gift of healing. Modern technology has its place in the realm of healing. But, let us not forget that the original, natural methods have worked with little to no side-effect for millions of years.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The power to heal is within each one of us. Whether we use knowledge, crystals, candles, swords or prayer; healing is a holistic practice as old as humankind." tc
Friday, June 11, 2010
Garden Delight
I love to garden! Have you ever planted a flower, bush or vegetable? I get so excited waiting for the first shoots to pop through the soil. Watching the plant grow and strenthen is a slow process but when the first flower buds open or the fruit begins to ripen, it is as if, I was a helper in giving it life.
Our life experience is very similar. There are hundreds of seeds planted around us everyday.
Some of the seeds are: warmth, kindness, love and freindship, while others are: mean, deceptive, doubtful and negative. Both kinds of seeds will grow if they are nurtured.
With the right blend of love, light and support, we can choose to facilitate the growth of the positive seeds. These types of seeds naturally weed out the negative seeds in life. However, if we choose to nurture the mean, angry, jealous types of seeds, our garden will become overrun with weeds and choke out all other life. Our flowers and fruit will easily wither under the heat of the summer sun.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like the seeds that you plant in a prepared garden bed, the more positive ones that you nurture, the healthier your fruit will be." tc
Our life experience is very similar. There are hundreds of seeds planted around us everyday.
Some of the seeds are: warmth, kindness, love and freindship, while others are: mean, deceptive, doubtful and negative. Both kinds of seeds will grow if they are nurtured.
With the right blend of love, light and support, we can choose to facilitate the growth of the positive seeds. These types of seeds naturally weed out the negative seeds in life. However, if we choose to nurture the mean, angry, jealous types of seeds, our garden will become overrun with weeds and choke out all other life. Our flowers and fruit will easily wither under the heat of the summer sun.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like the seeds that you plant in a prepared garden bed, the more positive ones that you nurture, the healthier your fruit will be." tc
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Serpent Mother
Corbin, my oldest son, and I went hiking in a place called Red Rocks, on the west side of Las Vegas, NV. We climbed up and over boulders for over an hour in order to reach the top of a spectacular waterfall cavern.
On our return to the desert floor, a group of people were huddled at a small waterfall. Beneath this huge rock, under a flowing stream sat this beauty. The rattlesnake had it's head up and alert but not making the known 'rattle' sound. I never knew rattlesnakes liked this type of environment.
As the serpent is symbolic of life and death, renewal and transformation, I suppose it should come as no surprise that it likes water! Ancient cultures recognize the serpent as an important symbol of higher knowledge. Gods and Goddesses of the past have been depicted as a serpent. Original creation stories and myths are full of magical, mystical powerful serpents. It was a special moment to 'safely' view this beautiful creature in her own environment.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Hello, Serpent Earth Mother. Thank you for the renewing gift of life." tc
On our return to the desert floor, a group of people were huddled at a small waterfall. Beneath this huge rock, under a flowing stream sat this beauty. The rattlesnake had it's head up and alert but not making the known 'rattle' sound. I never knew rattlesnakes liked this type of environment.
As the serpent is symbolic of life and death, renewal and transformation, I suppose it should come as no surprise that it likes water! Ancient cultures recognize the serpent as an important symbol of higher knowledge. Gods and Goddesses of the past have been depicted as a serpent. Original creation stories and myths are full of magical, mystical powerful serpents. It was a special moment to 'safely' view this beautiful creature in her own environment.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Hello, Serpent Earth Mother. Thank you for the renewing gift of life." tc
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Take Flight
Dance, laugh, try, smile, share, love and most importantly.......LIVE.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Sometimes you have to do your own thing in order to fly!" tc
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Sometimes you have to do your own thing in order to fly!" tc
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
New Life
Water is the basic element that provides for all life to begin and remain. Many religious ceremonies involve purification by water. We bathe in water to clean our bodies on the outside. We drink water to replenish our inner body and many activities revolve around water sports. I think that it is pretty clear that people are drawn to and use a lot of water.
There is an undercurrent to life that moves all of us. It is magnified by water. Whether the source is derived from a stream, river, lake or sea, the power of water is life-giving.
In the fast and furious world that we live in today, it is important to our overall health to learn to quiet our minds. One main method for doing this is through meditation. Meditation can improve our mental focus, lower blood-pressure, relieve stress and expand our consciousness. There is no 'negative' to meditation. In fact, a healthier route to a better life can be obtained through easy meditative excercises.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like soaking in a hot bath or resting on a quiet park bench, when the body is at rest, meditation awakens the spirit and opens the channels for God to talk to us." tc
There is an undercurrent to life that moves all of us. It is magnified by water. Whether the source is derived from a stream, river, lake or sea, the power of water is life-giving.
In the fast and furious world that we live in today, it is important to our overall health to learn to quiet our minds. One main method for doing this is through meditation. Meditation can improve our mental focus, lower blood-pressure, relieve stress and expand our consciousness. There is no 'negative' to meditation. In fact, a healthier route to a better life can be obtained through easy meditative excercises.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Like soaking in a hot bath or resting on a quiet park bench, when the body is at rest, meditation awakens the spirit and opens the channels for God to talk to us." tc
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Storm Coming
Oftentimes, I have learned the hard way that the old cliche of "the best advice is free advice' really is true. Likewise, I have found that the most important warning signs frequently come from the least expected sources.
Life is full of change and unexpected events. The Darwinian Theory of 'only the strong survive,' I have found to be quite inaccurate. I believe in the theory of 'the most flexible survive.' Those who learn new ways, adopt more flexible attitudes and bend in the wind are the ones who make it through the constant transition of life.
Don't ignore your inner feelings. Don't let yourself be talked out of something that you are sure is true. Don't doubt the power of faith.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Seek the Light and the Darkness will gradually fade away like the final breath of a powerful storm." tc
Life is full of change and unexpected events. The Darwinian Theory of 'only the strong survive,' I have found to be quite inaccurate. I believe in the theory of 'the most flexible survive.' Those who learn new ways, adopt more flexible attitudes and bend in the wind are the ones who make it through the constant transition of life.
Don't ignore your inner feelings. Don't let yourself be talked out of something that you are sure is true. Don't doubt the power of faith.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Seek the Light and the Darkness will gradually fade away like the final breath of a powerful storm." tc
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Trumpets Blow
I came across a very interesting website the other day. In my on-going research of the stars and religion, I have found many discrepancies as it relates to ancient writings and drawings and modern interpretations. This website addresses one of the most important symbols of Christianity, the Ark of the Covenant.
What is fasinating to me is that while the Book of Genesis in the Christian Bible speaks of the Serpent and Tree of Knowledge as evil, in early Biblical publications, the God of the Isrealites, Yahweh, is depicted with it's head curling around the base of a pillar (symbolic of a tree). His body is that of a serpent!
With several ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumerians, which is where the Jews and Christians have adopted many of their symbols and stories from, portraying 'God' as a serpent or serpent with wings and a World Tree, why would the opening book of the Christian Bible seemingly condemn the very mystical idea of a powerful holy serpent and the Life Giving World Tree?
Please take a few minutes and visit this website. it is an important 'missing piece' to the creation story of the world.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The sound of music comes from our soul. Truth can no longer be hidden in words. The trumpets are sounding and the revelation is pleasing." tc
What is fasinating to me is that while the Book of Genesis in the Christian Bible speaks of the Serpent and Tree of Knowledge as evil, in early Biblical publications, the God of the Isrealites, Yahweh, is depicted with it's head curling around the base of a pillar (symbolic of a tree). His body is that of a serpent!
With several ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumerians, which is where the Jews and Christians have adopted many of their symbols and stories from, portraying 'God' as a serpent or serpent with wings and a World Tree, why would the opening book of the Christian Bible seemingly condemn the very mystical idea of a powerful holy serpent and the Life Giving World Tree?
Please take a few minutes and visit this website. it is an important 'missing piece' to the creation story of the world.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"The sound of music comes from our soul. Truth can no longer be hidden in words. The trumpets are sounding and the revelation is pleasing." tc
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Gates are Open
Have you caught yourself 'knowing' something right before it happens or saying and/or thinking what the person next to you is going to say? These are just simple but profound examples of how the earthly collective soul is rising to a new level. This is a wonderful time to strengthen your faith, change ideas that aren't working for you and connect with like-minds.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Open the Gates and step out into a brighter future full of dynamic possibilities." tc
Friday, June 4, 2010
Big Red Wall
In my day to day interactions, I come across many people with cold, hard exteriors. What I have found is that the more tough, course, demanding and obstinant a person acts, it is really an outside barrier to the vulnerability and fear that they hold on to inside.
In our "individualized society," the walls that people put up seem necessary to protect oneself against the onslaught of life. What is simply amazing, though is that when the walls come crumbling down and YOU are exposed; the people who love and care about you are finally able to give the gift of themself to you.
All of the protection that you think you need from others is an illusion that you have created to mask your own fear. Even if it takes all the strength that you have, start to tear down that wall and allow love back into your life.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"When the walls around someone are so high that the person seems untouchable, bend down and peer under it. They are waiting for a reason to change." tc
In our "individualized society," the walls that people put up seem necessary to protect oneself against the onslaught of life. What is simply amazing, though is that when the walls come crumbling down and YOU are exposed; the people who love and care about you are finally able to give the gift of themself to you.
All of the protection that you think you need from others is an illusion that you have created to mask your own fear. Even if it takes all the strength that you have, start to tear down that wall and allow love back into your life.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"When the walls around someone are so high that the person seems untouchable, bend down and peer under it. They are waiting for a reason to change." tc
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Resting in the Light
I passed a church today and outside on the front lawn was a sign that said, "Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil, there is simply no point." I was taken back by this announcement. In truth, I thought that it was quite harsh.
I happen to believe in God but my faith also allows for everyone else to believe whatever they feel fits them best. To tell someone that life without God is simply not worth it, is not allowing for each person to grow into their own being, at their own pace.
The Creator (I call God) made each one of us. We are a divine spark of the Light of God. We travel a unique and individual journey called life. Every life is valuable and worthy. Every life has a greater purpose in the Divine Plan.
We may not begin knowing what our purpose is or exactly how we are supposed to live but the path that we walk, unfolds with each step that we take. We learn and grow with every challenge that is placed before us. We climb the mountain and one day......we will understand our Truth and rest at the top.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Bathe in the light, while you climb the mountain and you will reach the top.....one step at a time." tc
I happen to believe in God but my faith also allows for everyone else to believe whatever they feel fits them best. To tell someone that life without God is simply not worth it, is not allowing for each person to grow into their own being, at their own pace.
The Creator (I call God) made each one of us. We are a divine spark of the Light of God. We travel a unique and individual journey called life. Every life is valuable and worthy. Every life has a greater purpose in the Divine Plan.
We may not begin knowing what our purpose is or exactly how we are supposed to live but the path that we walk, unfolds with each step that we take. We learn and grow with every challenge that is placed before us. We climb the mountain and one day......we will understand our Truth and rest at the top.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"Bathe in the light, while you climb the mountain and you will reach the top.....one step at a time." tc
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dedicated to the Human Spirit
People are so resilient. It amazes me sometimes the challenges, obstacles and barriers that a person can overcome. I have seen cancer patients recover from the disease against unimaginable odds. I have watched children exude life and run & play, while the sickness in their bodies weakens and tires their energetic spirit. I have seen families, grief stricken bond together to strengthen the entire family unit. I have watched perfect strangers stand together and save a life without thought of the risk to their own. I have worked with neighbors to help another in need.
The human spirit is more solid than rock, higher than a mountain and deeper than the ocean’s floor. Knowing that this dynamic and powerful drive seems to be innate within us, there is nothing that we can’t do if we stand together.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Rise to the challenges of life and your strength will grow to match the height of the task.” tc
The human spirit is more solid than rock, higher than a mountain and deeper than the ocean’s floor. Knowing that this dynamic and powerful drive seems to be innate within us, there is nothing that we can’t do if we stand together.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
“Rise to the challenges of life and your strength will grow to match the height of the task.” tc
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thank you
As our lives unfold, we discover the richness that it holds. Too often, when we are younger, we are very busy getting 'here' and running 'there' that we don't pay attention to each moment. It is the simple things in life that count.
When someone offers you a cut in line, take it graciously. If you are invited to a party, go and have fun. If you buy a new outfit, wear it out. When a compliment is bestowed, say 'thank you.'
I hear many slang terms for 'thank you.' However, I rarely hear 'thank you' at all. I know that 'it is my job' and that it is 'no problem' for you to do something for me. I also understand that 'be cool' is nice. 'Yeah, man, sure thing and whatever' do acknowledge an act of kindness but sometimes a simple "thank you" expresses more than you know.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"It is the simply things in life that unfold to reveal the true beauty of living." tc
When someone offers you a cut in line, take it graciously. If you are invited to a party, go and have fun. If you buy a new outfit, wear it out. When a compliment is bestowed, say 'thank you.'
I hear many slang terms for 'thank you.' However, I rarely hear 'thank you' at all. I know that 'it is my job' and that it is 'no problem' for you to do something for me. I also understand that 'be cool' is nice. 'Yeah, man, sure thing and whatever' do acknowledge an act of kindness but sometimes a simple "thank you" expresses more than you know.
So, on that note, the quote of the day is:
"It is the simply things in life that unfold to reveal the true beauty of living." tc
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