Monday, June 28, 2010

A Point to be Made

I have had this feeling lately of doing some 'Spring Cleaning.' Have you felt that way too? It actually began a few months back.  One day, I started cleaning out some boxes of things that after years of never opening them, I decided that they probably weren't all that important after all.

I donated clothes that had been hanging in the closet, unworn to Goodwill.  I sold some items that just didn't seem useful to my lifestyle, anymore and I gave friends and family items that they could use.

It is healthy to periodically, clean out the old stuff in order to make way for the new. I don't recommend a set schedule because we always seem to find other, more important things to do, then.  However, I do recommend that when the urge-to-purge enters your mindset, you take the time to listen and do the work. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Always be ready for change so you don't feel like you've been stabbed afterwards." tc

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