Friday, June 25, 2010


Some people get very caught up in their self-righteous attitude. They seem to think that they are better than others, more deserving, correct in their ideas and ideals and they permeate an air of superiority all around themselves.

However, when we look at the path left behind them, frequently it is litered with unhappy associates, disgruntled family members and bridges of ash.

If we take the time to discover that we are not here to be served, waited upon hand-and-foot and preened over, as though we are somewhat better than our neighbor; then we unlock the door to our growth and happiness. We are here to learn, share and be!

We are here to build bridges. Use your skills and others will benefit, too. Share your talents and bring joy to those around you. Serve each other and there will be no room for greed, self-righteousness or power struggles.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Build a bridge for everyone to cross and God will bring you the gift of life." tc

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