Monday, June 14, 2010

Sands of Time

This sand slide is about 150-175 feet high tucked behind a sandstone ridge in northern Arizona. The sand is so fine that it is almost like powder. Additionally, it is at about a 9 degree incline.  Walking up the sand takes some effort because with each step, it seems as though you're not making much progress.

After reaching the summit of this sand slide, I paused for a moment of celebration.  Boy, was that a hike! I'll take pine trees and brush in the Rockies, anyday :)

What was so surprising about this mound was that only a few inches under the scorching white sand was a soft, cool layer of sand that eased the work of the climb.  So, I got to think'in.......

If we remember to lay down a cushion in life, the troubles that we experience won't seem so tough to handle.  Logic tells me that the fall won't hurt so badly.  Now, I know that we cannot carry around a foam pad everywhere that we go. How silly would that be? However, we can hold within us a protective padding that allows us to make our own decisions, live a joyful and fulfilling life, yet, ease the difficulties that arise from time to time.  This cushion is a belief in something bigger than us. This cushion is filled with love not nails. This cushion is God. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"There are times when we all need to lean on another to slow the downward slide of life's troubles." tc

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