Thursday, June 17, 2010

Temple of God

What is the Temple of God?
Is it a building? A few of the world's major religions promote a Holy Temple that is supposed to be rebuilt in the Middle East.
Is it a person? Another large religion speaks of the return of a savior.
Is it a way? Far East cultures strive for a higher consciousness. 

What is one to believe?

I have come to understand that the Temple of God resides within us. We are the house of our Creator.  We become the Spirit of God, when we do the work.
We are the illumination of the light when we live the Way, every day.

Instead of looking around for a person, building or method.....look inside yourself to find the most sacred temple of God.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Created in the image of the Divine, we will awaken at some point, to the Truth that we are the Divine Spirit of God." tc

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