Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Hole in the World

There is a hole in our world today. Corporate greed is saturating the economy to the point of complete collapse. Religious ideals that have been engrained in society for thousands of years are empty of meaning and hold very little inspiration to the spiritually hungry. Political turmoil has reached a breaking point between power hungry nations and those attempting to prove otherwise.

When the ‘bottom line’ is more important than the well-being of people and the environment, something must change. The Creator gave us free will to create and destroy, as we wish. We have become god-like in our actions toward each other and our planet. When we kill each other off over power, control and greed, who will be left standing to enjoy the riches of life? When the planet is so intoxicated from the pollutants of OUR creation, where are we going to get a new one?

Each one of us has the power to make a positive difference. When was the last time you complimented someone on the street? When was the last time that you said you were sorry for being a jerk? When was the last time that you called up your parents, grandparents or old friend just to talk?

The giant hole in our world reflects the growing hole in our hearts. It is never too late to change, though. Look in the mirror and change the person looking back at you! Smile. Give thanks for the day and for your life. You are a miracle of God's creation and you make the difference every day.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you fill the hole in your heart with love and spread it to others, the heart of the universe becomes charged with light and positive energy. “ tc

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