Friday, June 4, 2010

Big Red Wall

In my day to day interactions, I come across many people with cold, hard exteriors.  What I have found is that the more tough, course, demanding and obstinant a person acts, it is really an outside barrier to the vulnerability and fear that they hold on to inside.

In our "individualized society," the walls that people put up seem necessary to protect oneself against the onslaught of life. What is simply amazing, though is that when the walls come crumbling down and YOU are exposed; the people who love and care about you are finally able to give the gift of themself to you.

All of the protection that you think you need from others is an illusion that you have created to mask your own fear. Even if it takes all the strength that you have, start to tear down that wall and allow love back into your life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"When the walls around someone are so high that the person seems untouchable, bend down and peer under it. They are waiting for a reason to change." tc

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