Sunday, June 27, 2010


I went camping a couple of weeks ago and came across this beautiful Blue Heron. I watched him for a long time.  He seemed so wise standing up on that rock ledge with his head held high.

When I returned home, I learned that these birds are in fact very wise.  They will wade along the waters edge for hours, patiently waiting until a fish comes by. Then, they will strike it fast, eating it whole. On land, they use the same technique to capture mice and insects.

They are large birds with a wingspan up to 7 feet wide and bodies about 2 feet high. Also, the Blue Heron reuses the same nest year after year.  The male bird brings fresh branches to the nest and the female bird works those twigs and such into the old material making the nest larger and larger over time. Each year, the Blue Heron will lay 2-7 eggs.

Fascinating birds!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Recycled material is not only an efficient manner in handling old trash, it is wise!" tc

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