Friday, June 11, 2010

Garden Delight

I love to garden! Have you ever planted a flower, bush or vegetable? I get so excited waiting for the first shoots to pop through the soil. Watching the plant grow and strenthen is a slow process but when the first flower buds open or the fruit begins to ripen, it is as if, I was a helper in giving it life.

Our life experience is very similar. There are hundreds of seeds planted around us everyday.
Some of the seeds are: warmth, kindness, love and freindship, while others are: mean, deceptive, doubtful and negative. Both kinds of seeds will grow if they are nurtured.

With the right blend of love, light and support, we can choose to facilitate the growth of the positive seeds.  These types of seeds naturally weed out the negative seeds in life. However, if we choose to nurture the mean, angry, jealous types of seeds, our garden will become overrun with weeds and choke out all other life. Our flowers and fruit will easily wither under the heat of the summer sun.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Like the seeds that you plant in a prepared garden bed, the more positive ones that you nurture, the healthier your fruit will be." tc

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