Thursday, June 3, 2010

Resting in the Light

I passed a church today and outside on the front lawn was a sign that said, "Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil, there is simply no point."  I was taken back by this announcement. In truth, I thought that it was quite harsh.

I happen to believe in God but my faith also allows for everyone else to believe whatever they feel fits them best. To tell someone that life without God is simply not worth it, is not allowing for each person to grow into their own being, at their own pace.
The Creator (I call God) made each one of us. We are a divine spark of the Light of God. We travel a unique and individual journey called life. Every life is valuable and worthy. Every life has a greater purpose in the Divine Plan.

We may not begin knowing what our purpose is or exactly how we are supposed to live but the path that we walk, unfolds with each step that we take.  We learn and grow with every challenge that is placed before us. We climb the mountain and one day......we will understand our Truth and rest at the top. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Bathe in the light, while you climb the mountain and you will reach the step at a time." tc

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