Showing posts with label wreath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wreath. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Divine Center

As a student of the world, I am constantly observing, piecing together and analyzing the various aspects of life. It is interesting to me to take-in the external differences that each individual displays. Some people seem shy, others gregarious and many are just going-through-the motions of living. With such diverse and varied cultures, many of these personality types, which on the surface seem pretty similar, are even more sundry, when viewed through different cultural lenses.

If we were to untangle the mixed perspectives of religion, remove the overbearing voice of politics and unlocked the habitual practices of culture, what lies at the center? People. People are influenced by religion, politics and their culture but they are NOT those things. At the very center of every single person on the planet is a warm, loving, helpful soul, who has a beautiful light to shine with everyone else. Unfortunately, the mess of stuff around one creates such fear that oftentimes, the light is squeezed away so that all that can be seen is darkness.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The flavor of life is experienced when we are able to appreciate the unique richness of the whole, manifested in an assorted blend of mottled distinction.” tc