Saturday, June 26, 2010

Blurred Vision

"I'm easy going.  I don't worry about what's going to happen.  I just let things slide.  You can't control anything, anyway."

How many times have you heard other people express those statements and you thought: 'Boy, they don't have a clue. They try to control everything!'  It is VERY easy to see what other people do or say but it is VERY difficult to admit to the things that we do and say that other people see.

One of the things that I try to do in this blog is make people more aware.  If we become more aware of what we do, say and think then, we learn to become less critical of others.  Truly, all the issues that you point out about other people, actually reflect the characteristics that you are unable to deal with about yourself in some way.

How many times have you complained about people driving too fast, only to have family & friends comment about 'how fast you drive?' What about the person who complains about the neighbors having all these parties? In truth, this person is probably wishing that they would be invited to a party.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"When we learn to see the goodness that we have within us, we tend to focus less on the negative aspects of another. " tc  

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