Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

Today is a special day, in which we all have the opportunity to share a special gift of gratitude for our fathers. A mother is generally celebrated for her nurturing characteristics but fathers can be very nurturing, as well. Western, cultural influence has created an image of a father as simply the “provider for the family.” What this has meant to men and their families is that a father’s role is simply to work hard, put food on the table and make sure that the needs of the family of taken care of.

What a warped perspective this has created for many men and their contribution to the family and society, as a whole. A Father is the male figure that young girls will base future partners upon. A Father is the figure that young boys will try and emulate their entire future after. Does this help explain or bring to light some of the “dysfunctional” family dynamics going on today?

A father has an immense amount of love to share with the family. Fathers are playful, wise, creative, exciting, adventurous, warm, comforting and funny, to name a few characteristics.  Let’s recognize and give thanks for the 'providing aspects' of fathers today but let’s Celebrate the love that they bring to the family and the wonderful experience of life, too!

So, on that note, the quote of the day is: (the quote I gave to my Dad)

“With outstretched arms, safe and sheltering, like the boughs of an evergreen branch; a Father’s love for his children strengthens and grows with each passing year.” tc

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