Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Motion

The old saying of ‘use it or lose it,’ comes to mind writing this blog. I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise. Our bodies require movement in order to continue functioning properly. Joints stiffen, muscles weaken and bones deteriorate if not used.
Have you ever looked at bodies of water? Ponds that do not have water flowing through them, overtime, turn stagnant and stink. Rivers are pure, flowing waters that if not polluted by mankind, could be drinkable. Oceans tide and have a steady current that circles the globe. The current of movement keeps water fresh.

If you want to have and maintain a healthy body, you must move it! This does not mean that you need to run a marathon or ride your bike 10 miles a day. A simple routine incorporating a variety of physical activity like swimming, walking, bicycling, water sports, light weight lifting, etc. will hold your interest and improve your health.

My 93 year old Grandma told me this the other day. I thought it was the perfect quote to end the month.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you sit so long on your tush that your butt burns, it is time to get going.” tc

Monday, August 30, 2010

Clear Boundary Lines

This old barn clearly demonstrates the philosophy behind boundaries. A boundary is a marker that distinguishes limits. It is important to set boundaries in your life. They are not stone barriers that keep people from sharing with you. However, boundaries are an indicator of what or how much of your time and energy you are willing to bestow on others.

People without boundaries are usually so busy trying to meet the needs of others that they rarely are satisfied with what they are doing. Oftentimes, they complain about having ‘no time’ to do the things that they want or need to do. These folks spent a lot of energy ‘catching up.’

Decide what is right for you, set a boundary, make it clear to those in your life and hold true to it. You will find that this boundary actually frees you up to enjoy the people, places and things that you want to enjoy.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Mark your limits and the world will open up for you.” tc

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Watchful Eye

Many events that have been happening in our world are terrifying, sad and unpredictable. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are planetary actions that leave us feeling vulnerable and exposed. As scary as these things are, we must hold our faith in God to lead all of us where we need to be.

These planetary changes are part of the living world that we reside in. They are cycles of evolution that happen on a continual basis. When you learn a little more about the forces that contract and expand our universe, you will be less terrified by the coming world changes and better prepared to handle them. The serpent energy is rising.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Be ever vigilant, for the good book told you so.” tc

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Pinnacle

This photograph was taken in late March at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Sometimes, there are no human words to express the majestic power of the world that we live in.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“May you turn every valley in your life into a zenith of love.” tc

Friday, August 27, 2010

Multiple Personalities

In the 1990’s, the term, multiple personality became a household, slang term. Anyone who displayed behaviors that went outside of their perceived ‘normal’ actions were teased or called a ‘multiple personality.’ Most of us can laugh about this dis-order but it has serious consequences in daily living.

Today, I am not talking about the Clinical Multiple Personality Disorder. I am talking in general about behaviors. Have you ever seen someone that you know, suddenly act very different in a specific situation? Maybe this person is kind, generous to others and expresses a faith in God but when it comes to say, chocolate (my weakness), they are selfish and even mean in their protection against sharing any of it. They will go to great lengths to justify their actions as right. The change in personality is so dramatic that they may appear like a monster compared to their ‘normal’ self.

I believe that greedy actions fall into the category of when regular people take on a multiple personality role. People who act greedy often display characteristics of being insecure, petty, mean, selfish and overcompensating. They may be great in some areas of their life but are completely out of balance in others. On the other hand, generous people give freely, are open-hearted, consistent and do not live with great expectations. Now, look in the mirror.  Which one are you?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Don’t let greed turn you into a monster, one that even you won't recognize.” tc

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Golden Bounty

Intuition is an inner knowing that guides a person throughout life. We all possess this 6th sense. Many people feel things that later transpire, without understanding how they knew it. Some people have visions, while others hear messages of warning.

Intuition is not reserved for the ones that seem more ‘special’ than others. Neither is intuition a female thing. Many people get a signal in their life but choose to ignore it. Hunters develop a sense of intuition in the field. Deeply spiritual people sense a knowing about God. However, WE ALL have this ability.

Intuition is our Higher Self, Angels or the language of the Universe speaking directly to us. It is vital to one’s growth to learn to open to this inner voice. Intuition is a beautiful energy force that will guide you, protect you and enhance your life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Trust your inner knowing and the powers of the universe will produce an abundance of harmony in your life.” tc

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Falling Up

Recently, there have been reports that gravity doesn’t exist. Now, I am not a scientist, but I do believe that there are many forces in the universe that we simply do not know enough about, yet. Gravity or lack-there-of, is one of them.

I used to be afraid of heights. I overcame that fear a couple of years ago and it has changed my life. What I learned is that despite “me” getting in the way of my growth, the Divine Spirits or Angels of God are very powerful. They helped me get over my fear of falling down by teaching me how to fall up.

What? Yes, I learned through meditation how to free my spirit from my body and fly. Some people refer to this as an out-of-body experience. When you learn to fall up, there is no need of fearing falling down.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Cross the waters of creation and your spirit will soar to unbelievable heights.” tc

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Recipe for Disaster

3 cups Guilt/Shame
1 cup low self-esteem
1/3 cup little support
¼ cup no faith
1 Tablespoon constant ridicule

Mix it all up and you have a devilish dish prepared for depression, despair and hopelessness.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Dark energies can stump you if, you are mixing the wrong ingredients together for life.“ tc

Monday, August 23, 2010

When the Pieces Fit Together

I talk all the time about opening to the spirit. I also provide exercises in which each person can balance their emotions. I try to make everyone aware of the harmful effects of unhealthy thinking and we all know that over-eating and lack of exercise wreaks havoc on our bodies.

I believe that we can take control of our lives. Doctors who push pills are only looking out for their pocket books, not your health. Religious leaders, who preach fear and damnation, are not spreading love in any format. Negative thoughts in any given situation puts toxins in our bodies causing many of the dis-eases that humanity is experiencing these days.

When we STOP and take control over our lives, our thinking clears, our bodies become more healthy, our emotions are not flipping up and down and our spirit reunites with God. Choose life……YOUR LIFE.

So on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When the body is healthy, the mind is clear, the emotions are balanced and the spirit is open, each person manifests The Divine on Earth. “ tc

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lions and Bobcat and Bears, OH MY!

Do you see these ferocious beasts trying to get you everywhere you go OR are you the beast creating the problems around you?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Worry is a waste of time and energy. Stop it.” tc

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The End of Summer

This is a Cicada bug. Did you know that they can live to be 17 years old? They can be found all over the country. In late afternoon, the cicada begins to sing a delightful song. Most of us can remember it by the high pitch buzz that it makes at nightfall. Historically, the cicada symbolized that the long, hot days of summer were coming to an end. Another interesting fact about this insect is that only after the cicada sheds its final skin does it sing.

Here in the Rockies, we are already receiving signs that summer is about over. Get out there in the sunshine and soak up the warmth of nature around you. Soon, we will be hibernating like the bears 

So, on that note the quote of the day is:

“One season rolls into the next, seemingly without notice, just like our lives.” tc

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Choice is Yours

I awoke this morning to a beautiful sunrise. It was so spectacular that I had to run and grab my camera. I watched as the rays slowly moved over the countryside, illuminating the valleys and hills around me. With all my readers in mind, I came up with this quote.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“As the Light moves over every ridge in your life, may an abundance of love fill the shadows with brilliance.” tc

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hopeful Heart

With a hopeful heart, you know that everything is moving according to God’s Divine Plan.

With a hopeful heart, you accept diversity for the beauty that it encompasses.

With a hopeful heart, you find enjoyment in the simple things of life.

With a hopeful heart, you love openly and freely.

With a hopeful heart, you live by faith.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you lead with the heart, you can do no wrong.’ tc

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Live and Let Live

The Challenge for today is:

Respect other people’s decisions and choices for themselves without intervening or trying to take control!

This is a tough one. Do not add your input, thoughts, experiences or try to control what another does in any way, today.

What you, hopefully, will learn is that: right or wrong, good or bad, we are all responsible for our individual life. When we make a mistake, we must try again. When we say the wrong thing, we must apologize. When we control others, we take responsibility for their experience, too.

Take the challenge and allow those around you to live by their decisions. It is how we ought to live.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When the winds of time blow you in a specific direction, bend with the energy instead of trying to control it.” tc

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seven Colorful Points

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for ‘wheel or life force center.’ A Chakra is an energy vortex within each of us that controls our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. There are seven main points and they are located along the spinal column up to the top of the head. Each chakra point is associated with a specific color and correlates to certain areas of the body.

Starting at the base of the spine, the seven chakras are:

1. Root (red), C, Grounding factor, sexual activity
2. Navel (orange), D, Physical activity and immune system
3. Solar Plexus (yellow), E, creative expression, glandular system
4. Heart (green), F, love, compassion, acceptance, circulatory system
5. Throat (blue), G, communication, understanding, thyroid
6. Third Eye/Brow (indigo), A, spiritual vision, psychic energy, pituitary
7. Crown of Head (violet), B, portal to higher spiritual consciousness

The chakra colors are the same as the colors of a rainbow, encompassing our entire perceptual field. Each chakra radiates at a frequency that corresponds to the notes of the musical octave. Each chakra spins at the rate of balanced energy in those bodily areas that it corresponds to.

Learning to eat healthy and exercise, give love to self and others, forgiving all, applying the lessons of your soul’s journey and being more aware will aid in balancing your Chakras. Chakras that are out of balance can cause sickness, dis-ease, anger, depression, etc.

A balanced chakra system provides for the individual to have a happy, healthy and fulfilling life experience.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“May the light from within spring forward and radiate out towards all that you love.” tc

Monday, August 16, 2010

Leading Stance

Many of us find ourselves in leadership roles. It may be because we have had children, were promoted at work or contributed skills in a club that placed us in front of others. Some people are born with strong leadership abilities. They naturally gravitate to the top of everything that they do.

The position of guiding others is one that takes a lot of responsibility, if it is done in a healthy manner. The leader must learn to follow their true vision and inner convictions. They must articulate to others what needs to be accomplished. They must have the courage to speak the truth at all times. Leaders need to be positive with their guidance. They must emit love and be willing to praise others.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Every great leader exhibited strength from within, not dominion over.” tc

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Honest Lift

Is telling a white lie better than out-right lying? NO. To lie is to deceive, simple.

Telling the truth is a symbol of your honor and integrity of character. If you are prone to telling lies, then you need to look within and figure out why. People who say adamantly that they “hate liars” are actually calling out for help because they do not like the fact that they lie! They see it in everyone else because the negative act of lying is a challenge that they must learn to overcome.

We are all learning ‘the lessons of the soul’ on our life journey. It is important to be compassionate with others when dealing with their struggles. It is just as important to be compassionate and forgiving with ourselves as we face the tests along our journey.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The outside reflects the amount of balance achieved on the inside.” tc

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Prickly Affair

In my Tree of Life Theory, I state that there are 12 emotions that we must learn to balance for healthy living. These emotions fall along the same continuum as the thermometer from August 7th , Accountable Extremes blog entry.

They main emotions to balance are:

1. Love vs. Disregard
2. Joy vs. Sadness
3. Peace vs. Agitation
4. Patience vs. Rebellion
5. Kindness vs. Meanness
6. Goodness vs. Evil
7. Faithfulness vs. Disloyal
8. Righteousness vs. Corruption
9. Self-Control vs. Chaos
10. Forgiveness vs. Resentment
11. Honesty vs. Untruth
12. Awareness vs. Thoughtlessness

Negative energies are very strong. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to side with someone on a negative role? You can get caught up in there ranting and raving before you even know what is transpiring. It is important to be aware of these energies and move away from them the moment they develop.

The positive emotions, which lie at the root of our tree, produce lovely fruit on the branches above. If we focus on the good emotions, we will live a more satisfying and healthy life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Emotions feed the experiences of our life but if left out of balance, they will pierce us and cause us to bleed.” tc

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wings of Glory

I enjoy seeing a butterfly every time it appears. I try to include a butterfly in each month’s blog.

I see butterflies as little messengers from God to remind me that the Divine Light is always with me.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“What you perceive is what you get.” tc

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Test of Character

I have many friends that are teachers. I hear them talk about curriculum, lack of student motivation and poor attendance in the school systems. I have also heard where tests are no longer administered in some classes and grades in certain classrooms are simply pass or fail. Listening to what these educators, who are interacting with students every day, seem to be saying is that the standard method of teaching and testing has not evolved with the needs and changes of the student population.

Kids today are far more technologically advanced than students from 40, 25 or even 15 years ago. Researchers have learned that more and more students do not learn very well through the traditional method of classroom instruction. Additionally, there are children being born over the last several decades that are highly advanced and have come to be nicknamed, Indigo Kids.

We are not helping our children or our future society by withholding testing or by not enhancing the learning environment to fit the current student population. Tests in life are presented in a variety of formats. Tests help teach us where we need to work harder and grow. People are tested in the work environment, in higher education, in social gatherings, in family groups, in spiritual belief systems and with friends all the time.

How will one know how far they have advanced if there is no measure of growth?

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“When you reach the summit and peer over the edge, the height from which you perceive reflects the depth from where you have come.” tc

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inside Out

How often do stop and listen to what you say? How often do you stop and listen to how you say things? Many people do not stop talking long enough to really listen to what they say and in what manner with which they say it.

I have found that by listening to others talk I discover many ‘hidden’ issues that are holding people back from growing in their life. Sarcasm directed at others is really frustration and anger within self. Criticism pointed at others is really mirroring your same issues. Complaining about others shows exactly where you are struggling. Do you hate liars? Do lazy people drive you crazy? Do bad drivers make you mad? Is your husband forgetting things?

By focusing attention towards other people, the person voicing the sarcasm, criticism and complaint is hoping that it will draw attention away from them. This way you cannot ‘see’ what they are actually pointing out to you with a Bright Red Flag!

Look in the mirror! Everything you say reflects your inner self. Are you happy? Then, you must spread more love. Are you angry? Then, you probably complain a lot. Each circumstance provides an area for you to grow in your life experience. There is no need for judgment, just change. You can jump at the opportunity and learn or you can continue to suppress that incident and wait for another one to come around. Rest assured, all lessons that you don’t learn the first time will come around again, except they become more challenging to overcome with each occurrence.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“In order to experience more love in your life, you must increase the love & light within you.” tc

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ant Someone Gonna Help Me?

I was raised with the idea that “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” So, for most of my life, I did many things myself. It did not matter what chore had to be done or object hung or task accomplished, I could do it all without help.

It didn’t take too many years for me to realize that doing all this work alone was tiring. I not only had all the responsibility but I also had all the stress and all the work. How smart is that?

Was I so superior to others that no one could do things right but me? Actually, I frequently struggled with tasks that I didn’t have the skills to complete. I also recognized that this ‘superior mindset’ caused me to look down-my-nose at others. When I woke up to how this attitude was making me act, I realized that I needed to change a few things. This phrase was not correct!

Teamwork is a great way to share the work-load and complete a job quickly. When a lot of people come together, share input, knowledge, skills and time, every chore can become an accomplishment rather than a dreaded duty. You might even make a few new friends.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is”

“Teamwork: Together we can complete Everything through A Mindset of Willingness, Organization, Respect and Kindness.” tc

Monday, August 9, 2010

Forgive & Forget

The power of Forgiveness is immeasurable. When you accept as Truth that everyone is 1) Doing the best they can, 2) At this given moment, 3) With the information that they have, including yourself, there is no longer a reason for negative emotions to be held against anyone.

I try to share this exercise with everyone I meet.

Place a chair in front of you. Imagine, one at a time, each person that has caused you to feel bad, shameful, guilty, hurt or any other way that caused you harm. Place each individual in the chair. Say out loud that you forgive them for…..and list what they did. You may cry, yell, display in a releasing and safe manner any of the deep emotions that arise as you have them in the chair. Then, excuse them from the chair and place the next person in the chair.When you release each person from the chair, you also let go of any residual anger, pain and control that those emotions hold over you.

This exercise is KEY to unlocking your future happiness! It is an on-going act that when felt from the heart will rid you of any additional weight that has held you back from reaching your full potential.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Forgiveness is a divine act that sets you free.” tc

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I talk a lot in the blog about changing your life. I try to empower each person who reads this blog to learn the skills that it takes in order to make those changes in your life that you are not currently happy with. By sharing new ideas, current information and a deeper sense of conscious awareness, it is my hope for everyone to wake-up and take responsibility for their life experience.

Once you have chosen to change your circumstances and have learned a few new skills, there is only one more step to take to start realizing the difference. You must practice your new ideas, philosophies and skills. You must act bravely with your new information.

When you apply your new knowledge and skills to everyday living, your life will change. You will align yourself with the Higher Self within. Your spirit will grow, your consciousness will expand and the energy of the universe will move through you, fluidly.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Transformation begins with desire, moves by your willingness and is completed through the will of action.” tc

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Accountable Extremes

I am so happy to be able to share this idea with everyone today. We live in a dual world. There cannot exist black without white, up without down, good without bad and love without hate.

The news, Internet, tv programs and religion all focus on this duality. Sometimes, we are able to poke fun at the extremes of physical life and at other times, it tries our very patience to the bitter end! When we understand the Rule of Polarity more clearly, we will be able to maintain control over the extremes. Life will not be so difficult to manage.

There are two ends, opposites, or poles to everything in the physical, mental and spiritual plane. Polarity stands for the two extremes of a single thing. Each condition or object resides on its own plane of existence. Therefore, summer and evil are on unrelated, separate planes. I used a thermometer the other day as an example when explaining this to a friend. Let me briefly try it here.

Looking at a thermometer, please point out to me the exact point where hot is now cold. You cannot do this because it is all a matter of degree or perspective. On a thermometer, forty degrees in Alaska is a heat wave, while forty degrees in Texas is frigid. There is no set point that alters the sensation of hot to cold. It is all a degree of warmer or colder temperature.

Likewise, in our dual world the amount of love or hate expressed by a person is simply a degree of the same thing. When we come to understand that everything is on the same continuum, then we learn to accept that there is no absolute!

Imagine the thermometer again. The line expressing the temperature is the plane. Since hot and cold are on the plane of temperature it can be changed. Instead of residing at hold or cold, most of us prefer mild, which is in the middle. Similarly, love and hate are on the same plane. Instead of everything being expressed as “I love you or I hate you” one may find the middle ground of compassion, concern and kindness a more pleasing way to express emotions.

Because of polarity, we are able to change any situation or condition. You may not like someone but you can visualize being kind, anyway. You can even improve a negative conversation by visualizing a more positive response.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“We can only grow closer to the light by avoiding the extremes on all planes.” tc

Friday, August 6, 2010

Animal Smarts

Frazzled? Exhausted? Stressed Out?

It is easy to feel this way in our “Hurry up and wait world.” The kids need this, the husband wants that, the boss says one thing and the doctor stresses another! What are we supposed to do?

I have figured out that animals are brilliant teachers. Do you see them being pulled in a million different directions? No. Animals eat when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired and roam when they want a change of scenery. The prime motivating factor has nothing to do with one species being smarter than another. It has everything to do with one species acting in a way that is “best for its overall well-being.”

An animal only runs when death appears to be imminent. It does not run all day long because it knows, instinctually, that running all day is not healthy. An animal does not eat excessively because it knows that it only needs to eat when hunger calls.

An animal does not let outside stimuli dictate its every breath.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“The fastest way to find relief is to slow down and think.” tc

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Affirmative Action

What is the secret to being happy? To getting what you want? To avoiding the pitfalls of life?

One way is to pay attention to what you say, think and do. Our thoughts are energy waves. When a person thinks that she will pass the test, receive the bonus or he is a leader, then that energy goes out into the universe and helps to create the desired state.

If a person thinks that he is ugly, not good at her job or thinks that “there is always something negative to deal with…” then that negative energy goes out into the universe and helps to bring about the same desired state.

One way to overcome the continuous negativity in your life and to begin receiving the good is to start training your brain to be positive! This type of self-talk is called affirmations. In the morning, while preparing for the day, look in the mirror and tell yourself the things that you want to believe but at this moment do not believe. You can even tape the written affirmations to your mirror.

For example, you may think that you are weak, ugly, dry and lacking in public confidence. Now, take these few areas and make them positive. Say: ”I am strong, I am handsome, I am funny, I am confident, I am good at my job, etc.

When you do this every day, you will begin to notice a change in your thoughts and behavior. Other’s may make comments about the change as well. When you have mastered these characteristics, try others.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“In order to create the things that you need in this world, you must learn to see the world as you want it to be rather than how it is.” tc

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oh, Geeeez!

"My first big adventure up the tree and I am being blamed for attacking a bird, nearly falling from a little branch at the very top and having to be rescued by Uncle Jason in the tractor bucket. No one told me it would be this tough out here!"

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"It takes a pretty tough kitty to make it in this world." tc

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fruit of Your Labor

I have touched on the Universal Law of Cause and Effect in a couple of previous blogs. Today, I would like to share my ideas with you on the Universal Law of Attraction. We have all heard the one about "opposites attract." Well, we are leaving cliches out of this one.

The Universal Law of Attraction states that we create the things, people and events that come into our lives. By the immense power of our thoughts, words, feelings and actions, we produce energies that draw either more positive energies or negative energies towards us.

When we think positive, loving thoughts, we draw those types of people and events into our life. We also stimulate spiritual tests that help us grow into our Higher Self. The opposite is also true. When we think negative thoughts, we draw negative people and events into our lives. These tests may be more difficult or challenging for us to grow from.

Regardless of which energy we attract to ourselves, the results will create our reality. "You reap what you sow." We can choose to grow, remain stagnant or regress. Free Will is always present and the choice is yours.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"Streams of energy are flowing all around us. You can enjoy the positive product of your efforts or you can continue picking at the weeds." tc

Monday, August 2, 2010

Anything is Possible

While hiking one day, I came across this tree growing right out of the rock. Amazing! I looked under, around, behind and on top of this huge boulder to try and find the root system to support this tree. I found nothing. So, how is that this pretty hardy-looking tree is growing out of a rock?

Well, I believe that All life on earth is organic and that All life is connected. Therefore, why can’t a tree grow out of a rock? I have been taught that trees require certain chemical compounds to grow. But, what if my understanding is incomplete?

When I break poverty consciousness thinking, then, I am free to enlarge my learning and understanding of life itself. People do and think exactly how they are conditioned to behave. Until a person steps out of the box of routine acceptance, will they expand their belief system to include the potential totality of all life.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Higher conscious thinking amplifies the dynamic paradox of reality.” tc

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love is...

Warm, radiating, comforting and fulfilling and so much more!

Love is the only bridge that needs to be crossed. Love is the only ladder that one must climb. Love is the only wave to ride on the sea. Love is the path leading up the mountain. Love is the color of every sunset. Love is the warmth in your soul. Love is the light in the sun. Love is the radiating energy of spirit.

Love is the gentle reach of an extended hand. Love is the excitement in a child’s eyes. Love is the wisdom behind the wrinkles. Love is the essential movement of karma. Love is the dual forces of polarity, merged. Love is the flutter of a butterfly. Love is a gift you give to another. Love is a tear rolling down one’s cheek. Love is a parent’s fear for their child. Love is a cup of coffee on the patio. Love is a joke from a friend. Love is the expression of words.

Love is a silent moment. Love is your pet licking your face. Love is a billowing storm cloud on the horizon. Love is a fishing line bobbing in the lake. Love is the color of autumn. Love is a gentle breeze on a hot day. Love is accomplishing a task. Love is letting go.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Life is love. Share it with everyone.” tc