Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Falling Up

Recently, there have been reports that gravity doesn’t exist. Now, I am not a scientist, but I do believe that there are many forces in the universe that we simply do not know enough about, yet. Gravity or lack-there-of, is one of them.

I used to be afraid of heights. I overcame that fear a couple of years ago and it has changed my life. What I learned is that despite “me” getting in the way of my growth, the Divine Spirits or Angels of God are very powerful. They helped me get over my fear of falling down by teaching me how to fall up.

What? Yes, I learned through meditation how to free my spirit from my body and fly. Some people refer to this as an out-of-body experience. When you learn to fall up, there is no need of fearing falling down.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Cross the waters of creation and your spirit will soar to unbelievable heights.” tc

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