Showing posts with label sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunrise. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Choice is Yours

I awoke this morning to a beautiful sunrise. It was so spectacular that I had to run and grab my camera. I watched as the rays slowly moved over the countryside, illuminating the valleys and hills around me. With all my readers in mind, I came up with this quote.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“As the Light moves over every ridge in your life, may an abundance of love fill the shadows with brilliance.” tc

Monday, August 9, 2010

Forgive & Forget

The power of Forgiveness is immeasurable. When you accept as Truth that everyone is 1) Doing the best they can, 2) At this given moment, 3) With the information that they have, including yourself, there is no longer a reason for negative emotions to be held against anyone.

I try to share this exercise with everyone I meet.

Place a chair in front of you. Imagine, one at a time, each person that has caused you to feel bad, shameful, guilty, hurt or any other way that caused you harm. Place each individual in the chair. Say out loud that you forgive them for…..and list what they did. You may cry, yell, display in a releasing and safe manner any of the deep emotions that arise as you have them in the chair. Then, excuse them from the chair and place the next person in the chair.When you release each person from the chair, you also let go of any residual anger, pain and control that those emotions hold over you.

This exercise is KEY to unlocking your future happiness! It is an on-going act that when felt from the heart will rid you of any additional weight that has held you back from reaching your full potential.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Forgiveness is a divine act that sets you free.” tc

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take That....

Karma. Ancient cultures from China to India and south to Peru and African tribes believe in Karma. What is Karma? The belief that every thought, word and deed that you have and /or exhibit comes back to you either in this life or in a future life.

So, what qualifies.: Making fun of people…yes. Hoping for something bad to happen to another…yes (even wishing their Karma on them). Harboring ill will against someone…yes. Not saying I’m sorry….yes. One ups-man-ship…yes. Lying, stealing coveting ….yes. Cheating on an exam…yes. Damaging others’ property…yes. Taking more than giving….yes. Whispering about others…yes. Crude, sarcasm….yes.

The ancient cultures of the past have tried to spread the most important message for all humanity to connect with. Whether it came through a spiritual faith, a cultural practice or passed through history in the form of stories, the most important message of life is to LOVE. Sending love to every living being and giving love is the only way….here and now, for you to live. Swallow the sarcasm, Change your thoughts, Release your pain and Stop your negative actions. When you do, life will happen for you.

“When you share enough love, you become the Light.” tc

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Golden Horizon

Each day the sun rises over the horizon and shines it’s brilliance on a new day. The Light stirs us from our nighttime slumber and provides another opportunity for joyfulness, adventure, sharing and love to enter our life. Animals graze peacefully in the soft rays of blossoming brightness. Trees and plants are verdant with fresh morning dew. The waters of the land lap against the shoreline from coast to coast. Another day has begun.

What is important for each one of us to do is recognize the ‘golden lining’ of peace that the sun spreads across the land. As the warming shafts of light fill our bodies, we ought to pause and give thanks. We have many decisions to make in the coming hours that fill our days. Only by starting the day in peace and love and by giving thought to the blessing of our life can we traverse the obstacles that lie before us.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Drawing the warmth out of the first rays of an morning sun, comforts the afflicted and gives hope to those who have made it through another nights perilous turn on the journey through the underworld. “ tc

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Horizons

Each morning we are provided the opportunity of a fresh beginning.  If we choose to carry yesterday forward in a negative fashion, the anger, pain and ugliness of some past influence will hinder our movement as we become caught frozen in time. We will be unable to effectively learn and grow.  Dis-ease will settle in the valleys of our lives. 
However, if we choose to carry yesterday forward in a positive light, the love, friendship, kindness, joy and grace of family and friends will influence our movement and advance us into the dawn of a new day. 

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

"It is just as important to know when to let go and move on as it is to nurture something special." tc