Showing posts with label transforamtion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transforamtion. Show all posts

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I talk a lot in the blog about changing your life. I try to empower each person who reads this blog to learn the skills that it takes in order to make those changes in your life that you are not currently happy with. By sharing new ideas, current information and a deeper sense of conscious awareness, it is my hope for everyone to wake-up and take responsibility for their life experience.

Once you have chosen to change your circumstances and have learned a few new skills, there is only one more step to take to start realizing the difference. You must practice your new ideas, philosophies and skills. You must act bravely with your new information.

When you apply your new knowledge and skills to everyday living, your life will change. You will align yourself with the Higher Self within. Your spirit will grow, your consciousness will expand and the energy of the universe will move through you, fluidly.

So, on that note, the quote of the day is:

“Transformation begins with desire, moves by your willingness and is completed through the will of action.” tc